
Thursday 29 July 2010

News: Zombies!!!

Hey there, I saw this yesterday so bare with me if you think this is old news. Anyway, I've seen several pictures and a movie at the Mantic Blog about the new Zombies! I think they look great and it's even better that they decided to go with the same style as the ghouls (you glue together the legs with the torso) so you can kit bash as much as you want with the Ghoul sprues. This is just great as there wasn't much bits on the Ghoul sprue. Anyway check them out at the Mantic Blog.

Here's the latest picture, great stuff. Remember that this is WIP photos, for more info go to the Mantic Blog.


  1. Can't wait till these guys are out

  2. Agree, those Zombies look really cool and I just love Zombies, will probably buy the 50 pack.
