
Wednesday 18 August 2010

Jade Wizard Finished!

Haven't been painting a lot today I'm afraid but I have been starting to paint the four Ghouls I've shown earlier so they will probably be finished in a couple of days hopefully. I have also painted the last of things that needed paint on my Jade Wizard (Lore of Nature). I have shown this earlier as well, I did a little more greenstuff work and added some bits like the leaves and painted with a lot of paint. This miniature was fun to paint because I used colours I normally don't paint as much like green and yellow, okey I paint green quite a lot but I don't often paint miniatures in this combination at least.

I'm quite happy with the result as well, like this old miniatures, you just need to pay a little more attention to the details and the use of several layers of paint to make it stand out as there isn't as much details from the beginning on these older ones. But great miniature nonetheless, and I think he turned out well. Tell me what you think of this, and what do think of GW's older miniatures?

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