
Sunday 29 August 2010

Ongoing Projects

Haven't been updating for a while now I'm afraid, that's because I have been rather busy, with returning to work this week and some other stuff. I have been painting a little though, currently I try to finish three Flagellants, one troll that almost only needs a coat of Quickshade and five empire handgunners that just need the finishing touches with the brush and some work with the basing.

So here's some WIP photos of the stuff I'm working on now.

Three of my flagellants, the one to the left is repainted and just need a coat of Quick-
shade and the other I've just started to repaint. Its more fun to repaint miniatures in
in my opinion as the base colours is already there.

Another model that just need a coat of Quickshade, and some finishing touches afterwards especially with the base.

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