
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Painting: Some of my Night Goblins is finished

I've finished sixteen of my fifty Night Gobbos with Spears. So I have some of them left to paint but they are actually quite fun to paint so I'll think I manage to paint the rest up quite soon. My baby snotling awaits so I can't write that much this time. If ppl re interested I'll try to throw up a little painting guide for these little fellas.


  1. I love the fact that you haven't gone with the traditional paint scheme, and think a tutorial would be a great idea! I'd be sure to link it in the Orc and Goblin army roundup section of FBR.

  2. Yeah I never paint my armies in the traditional paint schemes. I really want to try to make my armies look more unique, that's why my greenskins aren't green :p

    I will make a little painting tutorial then, they are quite easy so shouldn't take that much time.

  3. Quite easy paint job + great looking = Awesome! Thanks for responding to all my comments!

  4. Great looking paint scheme. They have a nice grungy look, but with enough color to give the models that "pop"

  5. Thx for the nice comments, it really makes me more motivated to paint more stuff. The savage ogre is soon finished so I will post him up today or tomorrow.

  6. Oh wow...these guys are very, very nice indeed :)
    I'm glad I've found this site...I think :P
