
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Rumour Roundup: Wh40k and WHFB

Haven't been painting much lately and my Dreadfleet box haven't showed up yet, but hopefully it will arrive this week at least. Anyway, there are many rumours at the moment and I thought I write a little about some of them here.

First up, Wh40. Found this rumour on Bell of lost souls. Here's a liittle snippet:

So we've been hearing for months now that the Dark Angels may be in the new Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition boxed set (said to be paired off against the Chaos Marines). But what needs fixing the most?

Comment: W00t, Dark Angels may be in the new 6th ed boxed set?! Dark Angels are my favourite chapter, and if this is true it's great and really makes me more interested in 40k again. In the post I linked to the author '' talks about what needs most fixing in the DA codex and I agree with pretty much all of it. There's to much HtH combat oriented SM armies out there all ready and to make DA a more unique chapter would be to make it an ranged combat orientated army, this also fit perfectly with the fluff. I say more Plasma for the Dark Angels like they used to be.

Yeah I know, this is not Dark Angels but I have repainted all of my DA:s to GotC. So a DA successor chapter had to do.

And then there's some juicy rumours for WHFB as well. First one is taken from this thread on Warseer, head over there for more info and some usual wish listing.

It seems that even though winter is fast approaching, birds are still singing:

Originally Posted by Birdy
So i understand empire will get 4 kits. Knights obviously. 2 character ones (cant properly remember which ones but if you notice the priest of morr rules i would guess WP's will get a kit). And a new war atlar. The Altar kit will be a dual kit. The second option will be a Nuln seige cannon. Massive cannon used to defend the walls of nuln.
I can't comment on how solid these are. But it's not the first - and probably not the last - I've heard over the last few weeks. It seems to me like the Empire is not too far away, meaning somewhere in the next six months.

Something more: the knight mentioned are supposedly not replacements of the current knights, but demi-gryph knights. See Warhammer Forge for reference.

Something more from 75hastings69, thanks too:

Originally Posted by 75hastings69 View Post
Empire are not getting updates of current knights, there are different cav coming though. The old crappy horses/knights remain. War altar makes something else, but afaik it's not a cannon of any kind.
And another birdy sings:

Originally Posted by Birdy #2
Plastic War alter kit which only makes a war altar, but a war altar that can be either of Morr, Sigmar or Ulric.

New Monstrous Cavalry, possibly Demigriffons, which comes with separate saddles and harnesses, so they can also be used as bound monsters in SOM without conversion.
Comment: Would LOVE to get some new shiny things for my Empire. A dual kit of some kind with a War Altar I think is a given as pretty much everyone uses them, and I think it will look awesome. As soon as I saw the Demi gryphon I thought that it would look really cool with a unit of them in an Empire army, really hope this is true even though I also really want new Knights! There's also tanks about, ogres, halflings, kislevites, Imperial Dwarf among other stuff and would love to get some of these Imperials back in the army where they belong.

I have been thinking about pimping my old War Altar ride but if there's a new War Altar kit on the horizon I may just wait for that.

Maybe we will see this in units in future Empire armies, I hope so. Pic taken from Warhammer Forge.

Next up is a rumour from Harry and Hastings on Warseer two very potent rumour posters, check out the rest of the thread here.

75hastings69 has posted to say Blood Bowl is coming next year so that will be in 2012 for the 25th anniversary.

He also said this

Originally Posted by 75hastings69 View Post
So four teams of completely individual minis and a spammy new pitch wouldn't interest you?

As for rules why try and fix what isn't broken?
For those who don't know Hastings rumours are 99% fact.

So all we know so far is four nice new plastic teams, a new pitch and not much change to the rules.

Exactly what the four teams are has not been posted.
If the pitch is card, "astrogranite", plastic or cloth like the new Dread fleet also remains a mystery.

I will try to keep this first post updated with new rumours BUT ...
This release is still a good way off so don't be expecting lots of new information any time soon.

Comment: W00t!? A new Blood Bowl game is awesome! Ok I haven't really played the current edition yet, but I want to. And the big thing that is putting me off is the really old models and this would be solved with a new game. Really hope they supports it after they they release the Boxed Game, with new teams and stuff.

Next up is some information regarding Vampire Counts, and as it looks right now on Warseer the next three fantasy armies will be VC, Empire and Dwarfs. My first thought; great I collect all of those armies, second thought; my wallet wont be happy. Anyway here's some rumours about VC, this text is taken from the first thread on the Warseer forums once again. It's the author of the thread Huan Qu'itt who summarizes the rumours in thread like this:

- VC are next army book to be released (Harry, 75hastings69), in january (ihavetoomuchminis)
- new unit "flesh golems" - something like a mix of large ghoul and zombie with a lot of stitches (Harry, 75hastings69, ihavetoomuchminis)
- new plastic black coach mini (Harry), dual kit (ihavetoomuchminis)
- new krell and female vampire minis (75hastings69)
- and some old rumour concerning new plastic black knights - still waiting to be confirmed

credits for all rumours go to
Harry, 75hastings69, ihavetoomuchminis and Mirbeau. Thanks guys!

Comment: Looks nice, don't think the VC book needs attention this soon (compared to some other armies) but it's always great with some new stuff. Plastic Black Coach, great and needed. The old one looks good but from I heard it's a pain in the ass to assemble. And Flesh Golems?! Can look awesome, and they can look strange I think. Hoping for something like Abominations in Warcraft III. There's also some talk about taking Necromancer Lords again, I really hope so, I'm not so much into Vampires but like undead stuff :P.

 A new Warhammer Forge Wight King BSB, looks awesome. Pic taken from this thread on Warseer.

Well that's all for now, hopefully I will make these Rumour Roundups more often as there's much stuff going on in the HQ of Games Workshop.

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