
Saturday 12 November 2011

Mangler Squigs Finished!

It seems I actually made it! Fulfilled my goal by actually finish this project before we see any pictures of the official model that will put this one to shame. But I'm actually more and more satisfied with how it turned out in the end, and as the rumours say the new Mangler kit will be in resin, I at least have one unique Mangler Squig model. The one thing I wasn't as satisfied with are that the size of the Squigs differ quite a lot. But as I look at it more and more I don't think it's that much of an issue, the little one actually have long pointy horns on his back to make up for his lack in size.

Anyway, I'm really happy I'm finally done with it. It took some time to finish but it's largest model I've built by myself from scratch in green stuff (all except the gobbos) and I think it's a really good model to try out your green stuff skills as Squigs a relatively easy to sculpt. Hope you like it as much I do, and I hope it will look nice together with the official model when it arrives. (for more rumours regarding this, visit this thread over at Warseer) Until next time.


  1. Wow, the finished product squigs looks great. You have some serious green-stuff skills.

    I did some grotesque sculpts a few months back, here's a link:

  2. Thank you very much, I need some extensive training to match your grotesque sculpts though, those look really great! Love the whole diorama, great work! Now added to the blog roll :)
