
Thursday 8 December 2011

Warriors of Chaos: Current Projects

Here's a little update on what I'm up to at the moment. Have taken a little brake from the Orcs and Goblins and started to paint some more Chaos Stuff. Got some old Chaos things from my brother that I want to do something with, it was some more Marauders with (HW and Shield  though) two old 6th (I think it is) Tzeentch Horrors and two Screamers. First thought when I saw the screamers is a Tzeentch Chariot with these two instead of horses, can look pretty neat I think.

But before all of this I have some other projects I'm working on....

Iv'e decided that I want to paint the Marauders in Khorne colours, some of it at least. And the thing that changed my mind was this old Bloodletter I found in my desk. I just needed to put it to some use. So even if I haven't finished my first Marauder test model yet I started working on this unit filler (some of you may know I just love unitfillers, if they add something to the unit). So far my general idea is just this Bloodletter on a pile of skulls and one Marauder as a filler for the unitfiller :S Think it will look pretty cool when it's finished.

Next up is the nine Warhounds I have left to paint, as you can see on the pics above two of them are recently dipped in Quickshade and just needs to dry, get some snow on the base and some finishing touches. I painted one of them as my first test model and the second one in a little bit different colours, will see which one I like the most.

And for last is my repainting of a Spawn, also re did the base for him: not much more to say about it, one thing you don't see much from this pic is that Iv'e sculpted a big eye over the mouth to fit the theme of my army.

I've also finished my Khorne Marauder test model which also dries now from being dipped in Quickshade, will show a pic of it when it's finished. That's all for now, next time I will show some finished minis.


  1. from the angle of the shot of your spawn, it looks like he's doing an elbow drop onto his base, I say get a flight rod and make it happen!

  2. Hehe, you're right! Maybe I should make a little conversion where the spawn makes an elbow drop on an poor victim who is lying there beneath him. Would look great :P
