
Tuesday 27 March 2012

News: Pictures of the new Empire stuff!

At long last we got some pictures scanned from the next WD. The pics comes from Warseer as usual and is posted by a fellow Swede Anardakil, thank you very much for these! Original post is found here.

Comment: OMG! I love all this stuff, have already pre ordered the book, withchunter, 2 boxes of Demigryph Knights, 1 War altar and 1 Hurricanum/Luminark. Will buy more of the other stuff later on and maybe I will get something for my birthday as well. If it is one thing I think they could have done a little better is to make the War Altar chassi more different from the magic chariots. I was a bit unsure on the large new Griffon model but the more I look at it the more I like it. Now I think it looks awesome and I'm really looking forward getting all this stuff.


  1. There is no new Empire unit I don't want. I better finish my Dwarfs and start playing Lotto...

  2. More fantasy in the Empire? Okay, makes sense. Seeing Demigryph Knights in there does make me wonder what they're going to do when they get around to Bretonnians, though...

    The Griffins look absurd. Sorry, but they do. I know everything has to have Big Kits nowadays, but griffins that appear bigger than some dragons make me sad.

    I do quite like the three-in-one War Altar kit, though. That's my Black Coach sorted, for sure. And I don't want to think about what the Luminark of Hysh will do to Undead armies - I'm sure it'll be something terrible...

  3. I love you Von as one hairy man can only love another but the Griffins are awesome. I am reading the white dwarf now and I hope if you see them from a few more angles you will like em a bit more.

    What I think you will like is the army book has lore focus on the Weirde and fantastical and more alignment of religion and belief as an essential character facet into the army again. I think this is great Warhammer has looked over actually fleshing out more of their background for the last edition so I would be keen to see more of this from the next book as well (Dwarf cults?)

    1. You're right, I do like the sound of that. The expatriated Holy Roman Empire should have a sort of religious grounding...

      What I've always liked about the Empire is that they have that sort of sliding scale of fantasticness - at one end you have basically an army of German Landsknechts, and at the other you have steam tanks and griffins and suchlike running around. If they can get that sliding scale feel goin' on, I'll be satisfied with the release.

    2. Ahh see I hate the technology stuff but the griffins, Karl Franz, Demigriffins and grizzled veterans are all I want. I have so many cavalry though think I will need top adopt the "No dear I brought these on sales MONTHS again don't you remember" tactic.


      Oh and withchunters - I can finally use my warhammer quest character!

  4. I'm all positive my self, was a little bit unsure about the big Griffon but I't has really grown on me and now I think it looks awesome, it reminds me a little of the Griffons in the Heroes of Might and Magic games. I do think a stat change for this huge griffon would be appropriate though.

    I really like all of the other stuff as well, the altar and the magic chariots looks really nice and I hope they have good rules for them as well. Also like all of the new heroes and especially the Witchhunter. But I actually like the Demigryphons most, really nice unit and can't wait to paint them up. So far I'm really pleased with all the stuff we get, just hope that the rules makes them and all the old stuff justice as well.

    1. Just checked no stat change for griffins...

  5. Really? Haven't got my WD yet but heard something about they getting a stat change on Warseer. Well soon we will know when we have the book in our hands.
