
Sunday 15 April 2012

Empire Update: Order of the Black Rose

I showed some bad pictures on these a couple of days ago on Twitter but here are some better ones, showing my Knights from the Order of the Black Rose. These are actually repainted and maybe some of you have seen my old colour scheme and Order they once belonged to, the Raven Knights. Both orders are devotees to Morr the god of Death, but I felt that black instead of grey looked better and Order of the Black Rose is a more common Order within the Empire. And I will also do Morr a more prominent diety in this army starting with these Knights which I will up to ten Inner Circle knights with command. And when the War Altar arrives I will start to convert and paint it into Morr War Altar intead led by an Morr High Priest.

The Knights where quite easy to repaint, I just added quite a lot of black to the horses barding and to the clothes the knights are wearing, also painted a stronger red on the trims. The hard part was to repaint the shields, they may look easy but they really are not, and especially to paint them to look similar. But I think they turned out quite okay in the end, the last pic is of the next horse in line I'm also in the works of converting five new Chaos Knights.

I'm afraid I haven't had much time to paint this weekend, I'm working on these knights and a Helblaster with crew which are nearly done. I'm also dipping a Master Engineer which I will show you next Empire Update. Which will be soon as I expect to get my new Empire stuff in the beginning of next week.

1 comment:

  1. Hey do you mind me asking where you got the hooded knight heads from?
