
Tuesday 8 May 2012

Empire Update: Four Greatswords and a Helblaster Finished

Another Empire update now with some more Greatswords that ups the unit to ten strong. Just twenty or so more to paint. I've also finished the Helblaster Volley Gun, the cannon itself was a pain to paint actually. And that's because I totally failed to dip it when I was a beginner with dipping models, don't even now why I did it because I should have known that the dip would fill all the gaps between the barrels. Anyway, I needed to strip it from paint and dip which was a pretty big task in itself. But I didn't manage to remove everything so some details don't look that great. It looks okay as it is know I reckon, and I have a new one I need to paint as well and I won't even try to dip that one.

That's all for know, I'm working hard on a lot of Empire things at the moment and hopefully I will finish painting two more Demigryph Knights and the War Altar soon.


  1. Lovely, the greatswords are looking, well, great. I have to say, your style appeals to me...greatly. (Sorry, I'll stop now.)

  2. Hehe, thank you Mr Saturday :P Means much coming from an excellent modeller and painter as yourself.
