
Tuesday 15 May 2012

Painting Break? Diablo III is here!

Twelve years of waiting for this little goodie. I know this post isn't really war gaming related but I just had to make a little post about a game that just arrived, Diablo III. I have waited for this title since I played D2: Lord of Destruction back in the day and most of the time I felt that it won't probably be a new game (even though this would have been a real stupid move financially from Blizzard). But now the day is here, and I can't start to play until the evening. Well I guess I have to wait just a little longer.

My Diablo III Collectors Edition, a lot of nice stuff in the box

So what does this mean for my lovely little figurines that need some paint so badly, I may paint a little bit less as I also want to spend my preciously small amount of free time playing D3. But most of this time I will take from my Ps3 gaming time so I won't abandon my painting sessions and this blog. Actually have two smaller updates coming quite soon so stay tuned, and go play some D3 in the meantime.

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