
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Army Lists: Empire 2500pts 8th edition x 3 lists

I'm a painter first and foremost and even if I don't play as much games as I want to I love to write down different army lists. This also helps me out when painting as I can paint towards a certain goal as many tournament gamers do before a tournament.

But with Empire it's hard to make a list where I feel 'this is the one' as much as you can feel this without even play testing. But there are some things that's are in most of my lists, cannons 1 or 2, lvl 4, more or less Demigryphs, IC Knights and Halberdiers. And this is good as my base and then I can change as I see fit with sizes of the units, what general I want etc. Anyhow, here are three lists which are similar but with some changes. I know there may be some changes I should do to them and if you spot something, just tell. And tell me what list you like the most, things I've may have missed or just what I should change.

Empire 2500 Pts - Mixed with more Infantry


1 Arch Lector on War Altar @ 345 Pts
     Van Horstman's Speculum
     Armour of Destiny

1 Wizard Lord @ 270 Pts
     Magic Level 4
     Talisman of Preservation
     Dispel Scroll


1 Captain of the Empire @ 106 Pts
     Full Plate Armor, Battle Standard *Edited
     Enchanted Shield
     Crown of Command

1 Warrior Priest @ 103 Pts
     Heavy Armour, Greatweapon, Warhorse with Barding
     Ironcurse Icon

1 Master Engineer @ 65 Pts


40 Halberdiers @ 340 Pts
     Full Command

Detachments 2 x 5 Archers
9 Knights of the Inner Circle @ 290 Pts
     Lance, Full Command, The Steel Standard


30 Greatswords @ 360 Pts
     Full Command

1 Great Cannon @ 120 Pts

1 Great Cannon @ 120 Pts

4 Demigryph Knights @ 262 Pts
     Lance, Full Command


1 Helblaster Volley Gun @ 120 Pts

Models in Army: 110
Total Army Cost: 2501

Comment:  Good list for me as I don't need to paint that much. Some knights and Greatswords and it's done pretty much. The idea is to buff both infantry blocks with AL on War Altar and use the Knights and Demigryphs on the flanks. 

Empire 2500 Pts  -  Demigryph Knights List


1 Arch Lector @ 192 Pts
     General, Heavy Amour, Shield, Warhorse with Barding *Edited
     Crown of Command
     Dawn Stone

1 Wizard Lord @ 230 Pts
     Level 4
     Talisman of Endurance


1 Captain of the Empire @ 135 Pts
     Battle Standard
     Armour of Meteoric Iron

1 Warrior Priest @ 72 Pts
     Heavy Armour
     Enchanted Shield


39 Halberdiers @ 334 Pts
     Full Command

Detachments 2 x 5 Archers

11 Knights of the Inner Circle @ 340 Pts
     Lance, Full Command
     The Steel Standard


4 Demigryph Knights @ 272 Pts
     Lance, Full Command
     Banner of the Eternal Flame

4 Demigryph Knights @ 242 Pts
     Lance, Musician

3 Demigryph Knights @ 184 Pts
     Lance, Musician

1 Great Cannon @ 120 Pts


1 Steam Tank @ 250 Pts

1 Celestial Hurricanum @ 130 Pts

Models in Army: 78
Total Army Cost: 2501

Comment: Really low model count and I need to paint more Knights, Demigryph Knights and the Hurricanum. I like this list more and more, lot of Demigryphs and most things in the army is really hard hitting and fast. WP and BSB goes with Halberdiers, Lvl 4 with some Archers, and AL in the IC Knight unit. 

Empire 2500 Pts  -  Mixed list with Templar Grand Master


1 Grand Master @ 259 Pts
     The Other Tricksters Shard

1 Wizard Lord of the Light Order @ 225 Pts
     Level 4, Lore of Light
     Dispel Scroll


1 Captain of the Empire @ 133 Pts
     Battle Standard, Full Plate Armor, Shield
     Helm of the Skavenslayer
     Dawn Stone

1 Warrior Priest @ 79 Pts
     Heavy Armour; Shield

1 Warrior Priest @ 85.0 Pts
     Barding, Heavy Armour, Shield, Warhorse

1 Master Engineer @ 65 Pts


38 Halberdiers @ 426 Pts
     Full Command

Detachments - 9 Archers, 15 Swordsmen

8 Knights of the Inner Circle @ 230 Pts
     Lance, Full Command
     Banner of the Eternal Flame


4 Demigryph Knights @ 252 Pts
     Lance, Standard, Musician

1 Great Cannon @ 120 Pts

1 Great Cannon @ 120 Pts


1 Celestial Hurricanum @ 130 Pts

1 Helblaster Volley Gun @ 120 Pts

1 Steam Tank @ 250 Pts

Models in Army: 92
Total Army Cost: 2494

Comment: And one more mixed list, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Can quite easily make some changes and swap Hurricanum, Det, swordsmen and a cannon or Volley Gun for more Demigryph Knights and some Outriders maybe. Quite like the Grand Master with Runefang and Other Trickters Shard combo.

So what do you think? All comments are welcome!


  1. Well for starters, your first list doesn't have a BSB. As a general rule, every list should have one - it's far too important to leave out. He should also be planning to be near the action - putting him in the one infantry unit in an army packed with cavalry may see him out of range of the action, which could be disastrous.

    It might be worth considering mixing your lists around a bit. An army packed with Demigryphs would benefit from a War Altar and Celestial Hurricanum - I think they're the biggest selling point for a War Altar as they're the unit you can't just slap a Warrior Priest into.

    Planning to put a Wizard Lord into a unit of 5 Archers sounds fraught with danger to me - that's one T3 model away from you losing Look Out Sir. I'd be giving the Wizard a ward save and putting him into the parent unit.

    The mounted Arch Lector with the Dawn Stone should really have the best save you can give him - barding and at least the Dragonhelm if not a shield. No point having a rerollable save if it's going to get negated by a moderate attack.

    Just a few thoughts.

  2. That's some really great suggestions, thank you. I see some things are missing in the lists, that's because I needed to clean up the lists as they are originally made in Army Builder. Unfortunately I missed some things, like for example the BSB in the first list. The captain with Crown of Command is also the BSB. Also the AL with Dawnstone actually have both barding and shield making him AS 2+ re-rollable. But I agree with you that making him 1+ instead with either ench shield or Dragonhelm makes him much better for a small price.

    Yeah the idea with hiding my Wizard in a unit of five archers may not be the best either even if they are hiding behind the parent unit. I think I put him in the parent unit or making the archers into one 10-man unit instead.

    I have actually been considering mixing the lists around. I really like the idea with the War Altar buffing the Demigryph Knights. And with so many high priority targets in that list with all Demigryphs, STank, Hurricanum etc. I think it may not be shoot down first couple of turns.

    I think I will make another Demigryph Knights list with your suggestions in mind. Thanks again ^^.
