
Saturday 2 June 2012

A Mordheim Witchhunter and some X-bowmen

This post was supposed to show you my latest repainted and re-based unit of Crossbowmen. Sadly taking pictures today just dosn't work these where the only ones who at last looks a little decent. Dunno but sometimes it just don't work for some reason. So it will have to do with the Witchhunter (who I use as a champion in the x-bow unit apart for actual Mordheim games) and some of the crossbowmen. Will make another update where I show the whole unit as well, just need to work out these camera problems.


  1. Regarding your photo troubles - Have you ever thought of setting up a simple light box? I made one out of a paper ream box and an old white t-shirt.

  2. I have thought about it actually. But this troubles I'm having and your tip might just convince me to either make one myself or just buy a photo tent. The big problem is space in my painting/pc gaming area which is a closet more or less. Don't really have space for one but I might just need to get some space for it then. Thanks for the tip btw.
