
Friday 28 September 2012

News: WoC gets new models but no book next month?

According to the latest rumours from both 75hastings69 and Harry we will not get a full new release for WoC next month which was rumoured to be the next army book to be released. It now looks like we will get a first wave of models but no book which will arrive in a later wave for WoC. The rumours come from this thread on Warseer.

Harry wrote:
Well, my understanding is there is more than one wave of models.

Maybe next time ... maybe early next year ... maybe.

I really wouldn't try to make too many predictions based on the contents of the first post.
It is .... Well ... 25% right.

Quote Originally Posted by Bigman View Post
25% right. I'll stick that on the warshrine lol. I'm just eager as its been 40k for months really with only wave releases in fantasy to talk about!
That WAS the 25% that was correct.
Quote Originally Posted by MLP View Post
I remember someone saying the new WoC book .....
Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Who View Post
..... makes it to the book .....
Listen fellas ..... about the book ....... (runs for cover)

Quote Originally Posted by 75hastings69 View Post
Would it help if I posted that there may be knights on Juggernaughts and marauders on steeds of slaanesh (rather than new marauder infantry)?
Quote Originally Posted by 75hastings69 View Post
Of course they'll have funky names if they're released
Like say ... Skull Crushers and Hell Striders?

75Hastings69 wrote:
Would it help if I posted that there may be knights on Juggernaughts and marauders on steeds of slaanesh (rather than new marauder infantry)?  

Quote Originally Posted by Bigman View Post
In fact I'm thinking that we will now see a WD official update for the new models....

(words for the word god) 

Will we get a official model for Chaos Warshrine?
Daemons get more plastic beginning of next year.... along with a new book

Forget fluff - let gw just churn out "new" models with minimum effort by using existing kits has no one learned that gw don't care about the background and fluff from the storm of magic incident???? It's of much more importance to just sell models..... If this can be done with little/no effort then even better (I'm looking right at you fantasy soulgrinder!!!!)

Comment: So to sum it all up, no book but a new wave of models including Knights on Juggernauts and Marauders on Steeds of Slaanesh, also it looks like we will get a Warshrine kit and maybe even more stuff. Knights on Juggernouts is cool, but more unsure about the Slaanesh Marauders. Will update this page as soon as there is more info regarding the next WoC releases.


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