
Friday 25 January 2013

First look: Feb White Dwarf Pics

Okey we have seen many of the pictures all ready and most of you probably already have the magazine in your hands but If you don't here's some more pictures from the latest issue. These pictures are taken by me and there are some new ones I haven't seen on the net before, like the Sons of Horus character Lokken and pre heresy Abbadon.

The issue is pretty much as the latest ones have been, but I will of course read it through more and I will post a Review as soon as I can. Until then look at these pictures.


  1. Thanks for these. Good to see some pics that aren't just the Warriors of Chaos.

    Must admit I do like their big Kit but that army shot really shows the repetitiveness of the big kit. The right arm in the air pose looks silly!

  2. Yeah I agree, If I would have to of those monsters I have to re model that raised arm. Or maybe even on the first one, will have to wait and see how easy or hard it is.
