
Friday 18 January 2013

Guardians of the Covenant: New look Tac squad finished!

Hi there, as I have said in previous posts I'm in the works of repainting my GotC models, because I didn't really like how they look. Something was missing and I found out what. I needed some Dark Angel green in there, to make them look more similar to their parent chapter as well as break up the colours from the metal and the red.

So this is how I will paint them. Metal and green backpacks, the chest crests in green (DA green then Warpstone Glow and finally Warpstone glow and some added white), green eye lenses and the original DA 5th Company knee pad. In my opinion this looks a lot better, especially on the robed marines where I thought they got too red in the colour scheme I used before.

Other than this I also updated some of the colours, so extra highlights, some tidying up, added some more basing materials etc. Well I'm really happy with the new look and now I'm really psyched at continuing painting these Unforgiven up. And soon they will get some reinforcements in the form of 2 boxes of Deathwing Command, 1 Ravenwing Command and a Dark Talon. So expect more 40k and more Guardians  of the Covenant in the near future.


  1. Hey, that plays very well with the red as a spot colour! Nice touch.

  2. Always felt marines looked best in Steel. Good looking squad.

  3. Thanks guys! Currently working on repainting some Terminators, will post some pictures some I hope.

  4. Very nice job with the crossed swords on the shoulder pads and teh overall look works well. Well done!

  5. Hey, amazing models! I know it's and old post but I really dig your red robes, you really catched the GotC colours! I'd like to ask what colours did you use?

  6. Did you do the chapter signs on pauldrons by hand, or is there a transfer sheet available to buy?
