
Tuesday 22 January 2013

Rumours: Warriors of Chaos WD rules compilation

I tried to find what info has been leaked from WD lately regarding WoC over at Warseer, easier said than done. But luckily I found a kind soul who had done the same thing and collected all of it into one post, that post can be found here and is written by wamphyri101. So many thanks for that. Here's what he wrote:

No more marked Marauders?
Advance Orders 26th January for release on the 2nd of Feb

New stuff:

New Book
Magic Cards

Lord Model

Dragon Ogres
Gorebeast Chariot/ Chariot

Mutalith Vortex Beast

Teaser Video:


Stuff we know from White Dwarf:

Forsaken are a core choice. Forsaken are M6 and D3+1 A. Has it's own D6 chart. One result is ASF.

Chaos Knights now buy enscrolled weapons as an upgrade

WILL OF CHAOS is not listed beneath lords, heroes, knights etc. Only eye of the gods

Mutalith has a bound spell ranged 18’’
Seems it does a toughness test (model/unit?) and there is chances of chaos spawns being produced

Marauders did not seem to have marks

Slaughter beast is a rare choice and is a bound monster. It is bound to your lord and can have the lords WS.

Gorebeast chariot is T6 5W. high Armour save (2+?). It has KB even on Impact hits. Slower than a normal chariot

Dragon Ogres are on 50 x 75mm bases

Two book items are:
chalice of chaos
soul feeder gift


marked casters can choose a different lore or stick with their mark:

Tzeentch: Lore of Metal
Slaanesh: Lore of Shadow
Nurgle: Lore of Death

Sig Spell:
Tzeentch is Blue fire. 24" D6 SD6 MM.

Slaanesh is Lash of slaanesh. 24" straight line form the base in forward arc of the caster. Every model under the line receives S3 AP hit.

Nurgle Sig spell is a Template. You place breath tempalte at the base of the caster.
All models beneath are forced to test T or suffer 1 W with no AS.

Nurgle Attribute is that on a succsessful cast roll a D6. On roll of 6 the casters T an W are both increased by 1 to the end of the game.

Slaanesh Attribute is for every wound caused by a spell, roll a D6. if a 6 is rolled the caster recieves +1ws/+1A/+1I

Tzeentch Attribute is for every 6 rolled on a successful cast, that caster recieves an additional PD. But only that caster can use the additional dice


  1. Unmarked Marauders will just make my 40 man horde cheaper, woohoo!

    Really looking forward to getting the Dragon Orgres.

    And, if true, at T6 5W that chariot looks a bit nifty... Not sure I like the Gorebeast model though.

  2. Hopefully they won't nerf the Marauders to much, and I'm with on the Dragon Ogres and Gorebeast. Looking forward seeing more of this stuff.
