
Wednesday 20 March 2013

WARZONE: Capitol unlocked!

Wow that went really fast all of the sudden, from £ 75k to the £ 80k took just two days, which is great because that unlocked the Capitol faction! We also got an announcement of what to expect at £ 85k and that's no other than Mitch Hunter. See the full mail below:

Project Update #32: £80k Stretch Goal Met! £85k Target Announcement

Posted by Prodos Games Ltd

Today we unlocked Capitol! Big Bob Watts and his forces from the starter set are being 3D rendered as I write! We should be able to share in a couple of days.

So now we can announce that Mitch Hunter will be our £85k Stretched Goal! He is a Warzone favourite and we are really looking forward to seeing him in action very soon! (he is the fellow at the bottom of the Capitol picture below).

And finally, please see the image of the Undead Legionnaires below. The new guns and shoulder pads will now come in the starter sets and their Add-on boxes. We hope you like them (the additions for the other starters will be announced later today...

That's great! We will all get some more stuff in our starter boxes now and that just made them even more attractive in my opinion. Also now when we have seen some more of Cybertronic I want to get a starter for them as well. Dammit, don't have that much money! But speaking of money the deal we got at the £ 70k probably helped the KS a lot as I think many people including me upped the pledges when they saw it. 10 % is quite a lot of more stuff you get if you buy a Dark Legion or more (which happened to be the pledge level I was at, now I have added £90 for some add ons as well, I will be needing it :P)

Follow the banner link below for more info about the Kickstarter for this awesome game!

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