
Tuesday 30 April 2013

News: Faeit212 and BoLS down?

Suddenly Natfkas rumour blog Faeit212 just vanished and it also seems like BoLS is down. It seems we got some confirmations about this from both Larry over at BoLS Lounge as well as from Natfka.
"Hi guys,
A formal heads up.
We are working with Blogger to figure out what's up with the frontpage.
The domain is fine, and the Lounge is (obviously) in fine shape.
We are still proceeding under the impresison that we are dealing with an internal Google IT issue.
We have received no takedown requests, or any emails from any parties regarding any IP related issues.
We are treating this outage as out top priority and working on it round the clock.
I can not speak to the outages of any 3rd party sites, or the timing involved with them.
Thanks and feel free to visit the Lounge even more in the hours ahead.
Natfka also posted this in the BoLS Lounge
"the notices I have received from Blogger are for individual posts, and declares that those particular posts are removed to draft status. Nothing from either Games Workshop or Blogger about the removal of the blog itself.
I will continue posting, and things will continue. so stay tuned.
until then I will be posting up on my youtube channel."
So it seems like there's isn't a big problem for any of the sites, but according to this site Faeit212 is having some trouble with DMCA.

So what does this mean for us who post rumours on our blogs? I don't know really, my blog is probably to small but Iv'e have heard of other blogs that has got warnings from google about these things. Read this for example and more info about this. So I'm not worried for my blog but I don't like how this is treated and in the end I think GW is hurting themselves more than anything.


  1. Bullies gotta bully, right? This is why LXG doesn't post any GW images... technically every piece they've ever made is a DMCA violation to show images of online. Well, not legally, but who can afford the law suit to sustain a blog?

    Remember the days when Games Workshop concentrated on making games and models, not profits and dividends? Ahhh, those were the days...

  2. Totally agree, I don't know what GW are doing actually. They make it really hard for us old time fans to like them.... really hard.
