
Monday 8 April 2013

WARZONE: Alessio Cavatore Joins the WZR team!

Got this earlier, and it seem like WZR will get some extra expert help in the rules department. Welcome on bard Alessio. Here's what Prodos said in their announcement:
Prodos Games is very proud to announce, Alessio Cavatore, owner of RiverHorse joins the rules team for Warzone Resurrection. Alessio is a true stalwart and veteran of the tabletop and board game writing world (and a rider of Rohan). We believe his skills and knowledge will be invaluable as we fine tune and put the finishing touches to the rule set over the next few weeks, ready for print and June dispatch. Welcome aboard Alessio!
And we announce that all pledgers of 'Cartel' and above will get a 'template set' added to their haul of goodies.
Also please see the Etoiles Mortant, completely reworked. Thanks to all the feedback givers on this forum and others and to our great designer who has pulled some all nighters to bring these ladies to us.

I really like these new Mortants and think they will look awesome on the battlefield. Also we also got some bad news earlier today regarding the 'Cardinal' pledger (£5k) UnkownGhost had to withdraw his pledge, here's what he said in the KS comments:

To the fans of Warzone,
I am very sorry to have to do this however; I have to remove my pledge of the Cardinal level. I could have just pulled the pledge and disappeared, but Prodos and you fans deserve better. I work in real estate in a very harsh and lucrative market and have lost a critical sale, the irony of it all is the buyer backed out on me before the final paperwork was signed.The market is slow right now and the money I have saved up I will now have to live off, had I got this sale I would not have a worry in the world and would see this through to the end. I want you all to know that I am truly sorry but I cannot put myself in such a vulnerable position. I have asked Prodos to please and I will beg of them here as well, please do not punish you backers by removing one of the most iconic units in the game.
We worked hard on the Hero and I understand he will have to be shelved and I apologize to the fans that you will never see the hard work Prodos and I put into the Hero but they cannot reward someone who cannot follow through. I assure you I feel sick to my stomach and did everything I could to try to make ends meet and still keep my pledge but it is just not possible.
@Mark, I am sorry my friend. Free Forever.

Really sad and we got bumbed down from over 105k to right above 100k again. Also this changes some things, as the Free Marines who where the unit we would have got if the Cardinal had been still around. Prodos is doing their best though to fix this and we got this from just an hour ago:

Hello all! Well must say I'm not entirely surprised, but am very disappointed. Obviously this is a blow, but this will no doubt be something we laugh about and still we are well over double our initial target. We are going to do the following,
1. At £101k we will unlock the necrobeast riders
2. At £103k the mirrormen
3. At £105k the Sea Lions
4. At £107k the Valkyries
5. At £109k the Juggernaut armoured Hussars
6. At £110k the Crucifier and Free Marines

You know what that means, pledge on people!

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