
Tuesday 16 April 2013

Warzone: Resurrection Kickstarter big success!

A joyful time but sad at the same time, the Warzone: Resurrection Kickstarter ended yesterday and well... all the pledge goals Prodos managed to make was fulfilled and in the end the KS brought in £161,851 to Prodos to start up and make a hell of a lot of new models.

A painted Everassur
So what will I get then? Well my pledge ended up a little higher than I first expected, see below:

Pledge lvl: Brotherhood £ 333 and with addons ~ £455:

And these are the things I will get:

Starter (10 Hussars, 1 Vulcan, Angelica Drachen), 10 Venusian Rangers, 5 Etoiles Mortant, Max Steiner, Valerie Duval, 3 Juggernaut armoured Hussars, 2 Vorreiters and a Grizzly and the Weapon Add on pack. 

Starter (10 Chasseurs, 1 Cuirassier, Everassur), 5 Armoured Chasseurs, 5 Mirrormen, 1 Scorpion, 2 Cuirassier, 1 Immortal, Dr Diana Neoclone, 3 Machinators, Add on Weapon Pack and a Eradiactor.

Dark Legion
Starter (10 Undead Legionnaries, 1 Razide, 1 Alakhai) 5 Undead Legionnaries, 5 Necromutants, 2 (Hero) Necromutants, 2 Necrobeast Riders, 3 Praetorian Stalkers, Add on Weapon Pack and a Praetorian Behemoth.

The Brotherhood
Starter (10 Troopers, 1 Judicator, 1 Cardinal Dominic) 5 Mortifiactors, 3 Inquistors a Crucifier and Add on Weapon Pack.

Starter (Big Bob Watts, 10 Infantry, 2 Purple Sharks) as a gift for my poor brother :P

Other than those things I will also get 2 Imperial Doomtrooper Andrew Drougan, 1 Tatsumoto Doomtrooper, a signed rulebook, t-shirt, objective markers, 1 KS case (I choose to keep one of the four), extra cards, templates, special dice etc. 

So a hell of a lot of stuff, three quite big armies and one smaller and a gift. So looking forward getting these and painting them up. If you missed the KS and want to know more about the game or want to get an army yourself, visit Prodos webpage for the game @:

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