
Monday 19 August 2013

Miniature Monday Weekly Roundup

Another week, another Monday and not so much progress last weekend. I attended to my cousins weeding the other day so not much done in the Hobby department during the last couple of days. But things are slowly going forward. I fully expect my Gorebeast Chariot to be finished tomorrow so no pics of it today and I am making progress on my Chaos Warriors of Nurgle as well.

So that is the plan right now, finish the Gorebeast Chariot and then seven Nurgle Warriors including mini unit filler. All which should be done during this week. I also have some other stuff I want to get done and next in line after the WoC stuff is to finish my Guardians of the Covenant Belial count as model. He is already painted but I needed to change the arms and tidy up the painting a little and add some bitz perhaps.

So that's all for now. Gorebeast Chariot tomorrow, until then WIP photos of Duriel my Belial count as.