
Wednesday 25 September 2013

Warriors of Chaos: Skullcrushers unit finished!

You know that satisfying feeling when you finally have finished a painting project. I have that right now and that is because the Skullcrushers unit is finished! Don't get me wrong, it's really fun models to paint up but they do take some time to finish up. And I have been working on them now for a while so it will be nice to concentrate on some other projects now when these are finished.

Just like the first one (the one in the middle) I went with the army wide blue colour scheme and well I must say I like the final result. Was really doubting at first but now when they are done I think it works quite well, despite being blue Khorne followers.

So here they are, c & c is as always very welcome.


  1. Super job. Between the general scheme, the basing and the shields they pop like crazy. Love the icicles too. So many great paint jobs are let down my afterthought basing. Not these lads. Having just finished my own crushers I know how you feel completing the project!

  2. Thanks mate, yeah I'm really happy with how they turned out. Will start to paint up my Mutalith Vortex Beast now so nice to paint up something totally different

  3. Damn they're good looking! Your painting remains astounding.
