
Sunday 2 March 2014

Tutorial: How to paint a Dwarf Warrior

I have got some questions here and there about how I paint my Dwarfs, and they are actually really quite easy to paint up. I painted up twenty of these in under a month and that is really fast for being me, sure they are far from the most good looking miniatures Iv'e ever painted but they are doing their job and as a full unit they look really nice together.

So don't consider this tutorial as an advanced one, but some basics tips and really just showing how I paint mine up fast.

Step 1 'Primer'

Colours used: Black Primer, Citadel Leadbelcher (normally use WP Gun metal instead)

This model was already primed black, I will do the rest in Army Painters Gun Metal spray primer. So on this model I painted all the model in Leadbelcher, but some of the black was showing trough.

Step 2 'Base colours'

Colours used: Citadel Mephiston Red, The Fang, Mournfang Brown, Bugmans Glow, Brass Scorpion (normally use WP Weapon Bronze), WP Oak Brown

In this step I paint all the main colours flat on the model, Mournfang Brown on the beard, Oak Brown on shoes and axe haft, Bugmans Glow on the skin etc. The model does not look that sexy yet but now we have the foundation for the models colours.

Step 3 'Shading'

Colours used: Warpaints Dark Tone, Warpaints Strong Tone

This is a quite fast step, atleast for the applying part, but the most important part here is to let the inks dry before applying a new ink or other paint for that matter. On this model I painted on the Dark Tone ink on the whole model accept the skin and beard. When dry I paint on Strong Tone ink into the face, hands and beard. When all is dry you now have a really dark model, this we will fix in the next step.

Step 4 'Highlighting'

Colours used: Citadel Mephiston Red, The Fang, Mournfang Brown, Bugmans Glow, Brass Scorpion, Rakarth Flesh, Leadbelcher/Wp Shining Silver, WP Oak Brown

So in this step you basically ju re-apply the main colours again, but this time leaving the ink in the recesses. On the metal parts you usually don't need to paint the main colour again but you can go straight to the final HL instead (Shining Silver).

I didn't in this case though and something weird was going on when I painted Leadbelcher on the axe head. I got something into the paint somehow and this messed up the metal paint here. I could scrap the paint of and redo it but I didn't want to in this case, even though I'm not happy with how that particular part ended up. I also was a little bit sloppy with the Shining Silver HL:s and I'n the next step I needed to tone some of these down a little.

About the shield I went with all the same steps as before and the same colours, when repainting the main colours I painted Rakarth Flesh and Mephiston Red, the black parts remained black.

Step 5 'Final Highlights'

Colours used: Citadel Cadian Fleshtone, Kislev Flash, Ceramite White, The Fang, WP Shining Silver, WP Dragon Red. WP Lava Orange

So here's the final step then. For the skin parts I first painted on a heavy HL with Cadian Fleshtone and then a last HL with Kislev flesh on the most upper parts. For the red on both the cloth and shield I first paint on a HL with Dragon Red and then a really fine final HL with Lava Orange. The Ceramite White goes on the insisgnia on the shield and Silver goes as a final HL for the metal and Bronze parts.

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