
Sunday 6 April 2014

Random Mumblings, Kids, Gothcon, Warzone

Haven't updated the blog in a while and that mostly has to do with one thing, one week ago I became dad once again. Last Monday I got my second daughter, an healthy little girl on 4,3 Kg's. As you might understand my hobby time has been very limited especially as an new awesome game also was released on that very same Monday, Age of Wonders III.

We got some great Warzone news the past week as well, Prodos will attend Sweden's biggest (I think) and oldest (first was one was in 1977) game convention, Gothcon. Have never been there before actually, but will go there and hopefully get some demo games and ordinary games. Sebastian over at the Moonshriek blog will help me out :)

They will do demo games, normal games, show of the new products in the range (IMPERIAL!!!) and sell most of what the game has to offer. So if you have been interested in the game but didn't pledged or missed out on the Kickstarter last year, here's your chance to get some nice Warzone: Resurrection goodies.

I will bring my Bauhaus and Dark Legion forces, my goal is to have at least two starters ready so I go all out on the Warzone minis the coming future to get them ready for the convention in April 18-20.

 Hopefully I will bring you more updates here very soon.

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