
Wednesday 28 May 2014

Unboxing Warzone: Cybertronic Starter Box

Unboxing time! And now it's the all new Cybertronic starter box, and this is a really nice one. You get two different Dr Diana, one is the warlord (175 Pts) in most cases and the other one can be a lord (110 Pts) choice (or a Neoclone squad leader but you only get the 40mm bases for them here). You also get the Exterminateur Mk 1 (don't know the pts cost for him yet but we can guess around 150 Pts maybe) and ten Chasseurs with different weapon upgrades at 206 Pts. This brings this box up to around 641 Pts, much more than the previous one if we look at just the Pts value of the box, in the old we got an Cuirassier Attila and Everassur instead and a total of around 480 Pts all of these are without any of the Enhancements Cybertronic get.

The same cool artwork as the cover of the rulebook

The back cover is showing us the contents of the....old box! I think this will change in the future though.

We get two of these sprues with Chasseurs, a lot of extra arms as well. And you can see the letters on the bottom resin, there's also letters in the holes for the arms to show you the best combinations of arms and bodies. But it works well without as well but a nice touch nonetheless. 

Nice crisp details, and better proportions to the old Chasseurs

The Exterminateur, more about this on my previous unboxing found here.

Four heads and some are totally new so nice to get some diversity between all of your Dr Diana clones. 

75 cards, 3 40 mm lipped bases and 10 30 mm. And of course two D20. 

We only get one stat card for Dr Diana and the Chasseurs which is a little odd. And 8 Reactors.

Missed one of the EMP cards on the picture above this one, so a total of four EMP cards. 

Here's how it all looks when built together, haven't glued the arms on everyone and here you can see how some of the different arm combinations look. 

Comparison with an old KS Chasseur, not a huge difference, better and more crisp details. And a little bit bigger torso and head.

You get some extra bits as well which is always nice. 
All in all a great looking starter box and a great start to start an Cybertronic force, which is how a Starter box should be. Great value Pts wise as well, so if you are starting an Cybertronic force, get this box as well.

1 comment:

  1. I bought this box today and one version of Dr. Diana is different than yours (in running pose)...It looks, I have to buy third Diana to have complete collection.... :-)
