
Monday 2 June 2014

Miniature Monday: Imperial Hurricane Walker WIP

I'm almost done with another miniature but didn't quite make it to this Mini Monday so I will show you some WIP shots instead.

I currently working mostly on my Imperials and must try to stay focused to get things finished instead of just jumping to the next project. So my nr.2 and 3 on the list on what to do is the Hurricane above, not that much to be done but I want to make something a little extra on the base as well.

Then I also need to complete my first Blood Berets squad, when that is done I continue on the Trenchers and commander for my Imperial force and after that take a break from them and work on something else (probably my Bauhaus). You will see what's my nr 1 on the to do list in the coming days, so until then take care.

1 comment:

  1. Love the camo on the Blood Berets!

    Seems to me that the walker's feet are a little small for how tall it is?
