
Monday 9 June 2014

Miniature Monday: New Dwarf Gyrocopter finished!

I finally got around and finished this model, and I don't really know why I had such a long break really (well it my focus on Warzone obviously) becasue even if I didn't really rate the model at first (as being an Gyrocopter, the Gyrobomber looks awesome) I started to learn to like it more and more as I painted it up. And now I actually rally like it. It was fun to paint, but it's a lot of parts so it takes time but in the end It's well worth your effort in my opinion. Hope you like it, this is the first Warhammer model in a long while and I will be getting more Warhammer stuff out in the near future hopefully.


  1. Great paintjob on this guy! It does look a bit like a flying egg, but still it's quite funky and very different from most other Warhammer stuff. The crystals on the bases are a nice addition by the way! Very dwarfish.

    1. Thanks mate, yeah totally agree and the model has grown on me more and more.
