
Friday 6 June 2014

Unboxing Warzone: Bauhaus Etoiles Mortant

Another box that got updated from the Kickstarter version is the Etoiles Mortant models. The first ones weren't bad at all, but was little bit tricky to clean and assemble and also had quite odd poses.

The new box I got has the same design but much better poses, especially for an CC orientated squad. Much more dynamic and overall better design.

All the things you get in the box, the how to build instructions are for the old models though, this will probably change in the future.

Enough parts to do five mortants with or without an Gehenna Puker. 

The details are nice and crisp, like all the new Prodos kits. 

Six cards as per usual for these kits. 

They where very easy to assemble and not much cleaning was needed.

Compared to some of the old Mortants.

And here I see for the first time a difference in scale, the old models look like amazons compared to the new one. This is extra strange since I thought Prodos where trying to up the scale (28mm to 32mm) and has done so with the Imperials and new Cybertronic Chasseurs for example. 

I needed to do another comparison, and well the new one (middle left) looks like a dwarf compared to the rest. Especially against the Blood Beret.
So to summarize. At first I loved the new kit, better details, less moldlines, flash etc. and much easier to assemble. I really like the kit and thought they would look even better mixed with some of the old ones I have. I actually got a little bit shocked when I realized the scale difference,  and I don't really know if this is a mishap in the process or if the models should be so tiny. It does look odd with them together and this made me not as happy with this kit as I first where I'm afraid. 


  1. Thank you for this information. This fact is need to know for everyone fans of warzone and for bauhaus fansthis is importantn knowledge.
