
Tuesday 15 July 2014

Warzone: Resurrection - Card protection, what to use?

Well this isn't something you need to have really for your games even if you do use Advance Rules and shuffling your decks. BUT! Your cards will take some damage when you have shuffled them a couple of times so if your like me and want to protect your cards, you have to get some card protection sleeves.

Fits very well as you can see. But putting several hundred cards in their sleeves is time consuming though. 
There's a lot of different brands out on the market and many different qualities and sizes. The WZ:R cards are a little odd size that isn't that common (when I measured I got 67 x 93 mm ) So what to use then, many suggested a quite common size of  70 x 110 mm but then you have to cut the excess part on top. I want to have sleeves on most of my cards so doing this on 500-600 cards was a no no for me.

I then found a post on the Prodos Forums about this and there a member called MiSiO gave the tip of these card sleeves. Swan Panasia Games makes sleeves in 70mm x 100mm so works very well for our WZ:R cards.They are thin though and I prefer thicker but couldn't find any. These work very well anyhow and you can shuffle your cards all you want and wont damage your cards.

I ordered these vi the link above, they were sent from the US so I did get some postage so I ordered seven bags of 150 sleeves. No problem at all ordering them, took like 5-6 days to arrive in my mailbox. It will have to do until Prodos starts to make their own :)

Already used three of the bags, so 600 cards is already sleeved! 

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