
Friday 1 August 2014

Unboxing Malifaux: Open Graves Starter Box

Unboxing time! And this is my first Malifaux unboxing, and I will show you the Open Graves box with the Resurrectionists Gang of Nicodem.

Lovely artwork on the box cover
First of all I haven't played Malifaux yet, I hope to do some day but the main reason I bought these was because I really liked the looked of them (along with pretty much the whole Malifaux range) and wanted to paint them up. But due the limited knowledge of the game I won't delve into that at all in my Malifaux unboxings, the purpose of them is just to show you what you get and want I think about the contents. So on to it then...

The back is showing you the models you get in the box

All the contents in the box, white foam so the sprue locked up tight in the box, six bases for the crew, cards and a note with a link to where you can find the instruction manual on how to build your models, not super fond of this as I prefer that you get it in paper form with your models instead but not a huge deal.

Here are all the plastic parts for your models, each model has it's own sprue so you don't need to look for the parts you need. 

Other side, lovely details and easy enough to build as well.

You get six stat cards for each of your members, nice layout and easy to read.
You also get six upgrade cards for which four of them is to use with Nicodem, one for Mortimer and one that can be used by either Nicodem or Mortimer.
Nicodem with an Mindless Zombie that should be on the same base as Nicodem. I put him on his own base instead to use him as a marker or an actual Mindless zombie (I'm sure most people actually do the same with this kit) Other than that I really love the look of this model, really cool. 

Here's Nicodems Vulture Totem, I did a little extra on the base to give him some height. Cool model.

Mortimer has a lot of character and it shows trough this model, really nice details and I'm looking forward painting this dude.

And the hard hitters, the Punk Zombies, crazy idea but damn they look cool don't they? The swords are a bit fiddly when you glue them and the arms and I can imagine they can be a bit of a pain to transport. But oh so cool models. 

And here's the whole gang, looking great don't they? I will have a blast painting these up.
That is all for now, great kit. No trouble putting the models together even if some parts are quite delicate so you have to be careful. As I think you know by now I really like the look and character of all the models in this kit, and I'm really eager to go on and paint them up.

If you are looking for more Malixaux unboxings look no further than this blog; GMorts Chaotica have a LOT of great Malifaux unboxings and are also much into the game so he knows what he talks about, so go and check that out. 

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