
Monday 9 February 2015

Miniature Monday: Dwarf Ironbreakers

Warhammer Fantasy time again, to be honest I have been a little put off when it comes to Warhammer lately. Mostly due the current rumors about 9th ed, not particular happy about maybe needing to re-base my armies when so much work have been put into many of them. Well we will see eventually how it turns out but I'm not fond of that particular rumor.

Anyway I'm painting some dwarfs among other things at the moment and I want to do an unit of twenty of my old metal Ironbreakers. I of course go with the painting scheme as the rest of the army (red and black and some white) but did something different with these guys shields.

Normally I go with black and red on the shields and paint the symbols and insignias in white. I did another variant on these though, inspired from I shield I got for my Ironbreaker in the Warhammer Quest game on the iPad. It fits nice with the rest of the army, and keeps with the grim and dark look I'm going for. So far I have finished nine of them but the rest is in the works.

As always comments are much welcome.


  1. Great work ! I always love good painted Dwarfs and you did a very good job !
    Model wise I prefer the new version of ironbreakers. I'm looking forward to the rest.

    1. Thanks mate, yeah I think I have to agree about the models. The newest GW dwarf kits are really nice, but these old boys have their charm :)

    2. Yes they do have their charm , especially when they are painted like yours ! With love and detail ! Makes me want to get some too & paint ...

  2. The red blending on the shield, coupled with that lovely dark black/blue highlighting on the axes makes an extremely vibrant symbol. They just look utterly fantastic.

    1. Wow thanks Greg. The shields is really what makes this unit pop. Love to paint up shields as you have a lot of options and you can often use strong and vibrant colors to make them strand out. Glad you liked them :)
