
Monday 11 May 2015

Miniature Monday: AT-ST from Star Wars Imperial Assault

I'm currently painting up as much models as I can for our ongoing Imperial Assault campaign (love the game btw), one of the first models I had to paint up was the AT-ST. This model is probably best of them all and could work in any miniatures game quality wise.

Really fun to paint it up as well (tutorial is coming) and I went with quite a lot of weathering on this one and I'm really keen on the end result. Hope you like it as well and see you next time.


  1. Fantastic weathering on this one. Especially like the streaking on the front armor plate!

  2. Nice work! I agree with Greg, the streaked rusting is a really brilliant touch!

  3. Thanks for the kind words guys! Glad you liked the streaking, it does add a lot to the weathering effect.

  4. Amazing work! Is there a tutorial still coming? I would like to have one!
