
Thursday 21 May 2015

Unboxing Warzone Resurrection: Morten Oakenfist

The result of an aristocratically arranged marriage between the fifth daughter of the second son of the Murdoch Chieftain and the dim-witted heir to the Oakenfist Clan, Morten Oakenfist is a blessed man indeed; he has gained the wisdom and shrewdness from his mother’s line and the brute strength and martial prowess of the Oakenfists. He is additionally advantaged with a natural understanding and control of the runic magicks. Oakenfists are normally stout and stocky men and Morten initially appeared to be following that trend, but in recent years he has nearly doubled in size, growing to over seven feet tall and four foot wide. This increase in bulk is not adipose driven, this man is not fat. His body is ripped with muscle. His arms are rounder than most men’s thighs. Morten puts his mammoth girth down to his magickal aptitude and strict training regime, which in part is true. He is blessed but not in the way he believes. The real reason is far more complex and mystical than he could ever imagine. 

The young Oakenfist joined the Wolfbanes as soon as he was of age, and his leadership skills were quickly noted as he ascended through the ranks. For a time, he dabbled in the ways of the Pathfinders and even the Headhunters, but he found his calling when he joined the Warhounds. He had been fighting alongside them in a small, but critical, campaign against Mishima on Mercury. The Warhounds had been blasted to oblivion by sustained fire from an advancing trio of Meka. 

The remaining Wolfbanes had no answer to the armoured walkers, and were being massacred to the man. Morten charged them, his pack in close support. The lead Meka ki-blasted him from his feet and his blade and firearm melted to slag in his hands. As he picked himself up, he grabbed for the nearest weapon he could find. The mud-caked warhammer his burned hand closed around sparkled with magickal discharge as if it too had found its destiny. Morten smiled and roared anew, before re-charging the walkers. The first Meka was ripped from its legs with the initial hammer blow, the second crumpled as Morten obliterated the driver compartment with a backward swing. The leader of the Meka unit was out of his reach, and as the Wolfbane roared in frustration, a magickal blast shot from the hammers head, detonating the machines engines. He finished off the ki-user with a mighty downward swing as he closed in on it. 

All the Meka lay wrecked around him, and he turned his attention to the remaining Mishimans. As he rushed towards them, they turned tail and fled! Since that day, Oakenfist has been a Warhound, and inseparable from his adopted warhammer, now called ‘The Tribane of Fukido’. It wasn’t long before he was leading his own Warhound pack, and then the Warhounds in their entirety. The First of the Warhounds, Morten Oakenfist is now the undisputed leader of the Wolfbanes. A softly spoken bear of a man, that roars in battle. To see him in mêlée is to gaze upon a perfectly honed fighting machine in its element. Each swing of his mighty warhammer is counterbalanced by his fur-laden bulk. Everyone that stands in its way is pounded to splinters of what they once were. His commands from the front, leading by example and all in his command follow without question. For he is the Great Wolf, the mightiest of the Warhounds, strongest of his kind, leader of the Wolfbanes, second only to the Serenity. He is High Chieftain Morten Oakenfist.

Text is taken from the Prodos Shop.

So now you know the background to this beast of a man. He is a new addition to the Mutant Chronicles universe and according to Prodos will have a lot of attention in the fluff as the WZR universe evolves. So what do you get in this kit then? 

Here's all the things you get, 40mm base, stat card and of course the miniature itself in three parts.

Three parts and very easy to assemble.

Morten is described as a really tall and broad man, and so is the miniature.  

He has some really interesting rules, mainly a melee guy he can also do his Runic Blast with STR 15 and AVV 8! He melts vehicles to pieces even out of melee range. 

He has some nice special rules as well, like making 1 squad of Warhounds (Elites of the Wolfbanes) into a troop choice, nice!

And here he is in all his glory. Really cool model I must say and the detail is extremely crisp. I haven't glued on the hammer handle and his right arm here to make it easier to paint later. 

Nice fur on his back here, overall a lot of nice details but nothing over the top.
Conclusion, really nice sculpt. I like the character a lot and works really nice in the Wolfbanes background and with the new Wolfbanes models. I think I will have a lot of fun painting this dude up and test him on the battlefield as he looks to be a real beast in the game. Tell me what you think of him in the comments below and be sure to come back for more Warzone Resurrection unboxings. 


  1. Wonderful unboxing. There's not enough of these on the web these days. I've not taken the plunge with the Wolfbanes yet myself but your photos have really shown this one to be an awesome sculpt. Looking forward to seeing you paint this up. Thanks for posting.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! Have plenty of new unboxings in the pipeline so pls come back and check them out :)
