
Thursday 9 July 2015

Age of Sigmar: Stormcast Eternal from White Dwarf finished!

My first Age of Sigmar miniature is finished! I painting this yesterday, found some things I missed but you get the idea on what color scheme I'm going for.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to go with steel or a bronze on the armor, but as you can see I went with the bright bronze and I quite pleased with how it turned out. It's an nice contrast to to dark purple as well.

Really nice miniature to paint even if I had some mishaps with falling figures and such. Please tell me what you think, and if you have painted one, what color scheme did you go for? Or even better post links to your models in the comments so I can look at it as well.


  1. Lovely work! I've been so excited about these figures, as so many artists got them...and it's an absolute joy to see what everyone comes up with!

    1. Thanks Greg, indeed it is. Can't wait to get the rest of the box, won't have it until early next week though.

  2. Great job ! I love the purple ! I did mine a few days ago ... ... follow the link for the pictures ...

    1. Thanks Mario, loved your version, very colorful and I liked the little touch with the gem on the beltknuckle might have to steal that idea ;) Keep up the good work! Oh and added your blog to my blogroll as well.

  3. Looks great :) purple really works with the gold. I really want to start painting mine and have been playing around with few colours but am undecided as of yet what to go for. I'd like to go with green, but not sure whether it works well with gold armour...

    1. Thanks yeah I like the combo with gold (although I have more of a bronze color here) and purple. Dunno about green and gold, should work but I think a steel armor with green would look really nice, or a even brighter bronze/brass would work. Try it out and share with the rest of us ;)
