
Monday 21 September 2015

Miniature Monday: Mutalith Vortex Beast

Cheating a little here, this beast was finished for quite some time and I did nothing with the paintwork when I re-based this guy, I was happy with how he looked already. I did however put some extra effort into his base, as I got the idea that the magical vortex is tearing up the ground around him and magical energy is pouring out.

I might have overdone it but I quite like the effect, tell me what you think in the comments! I really like this model, it suits Tzeentch so well so he will be a nice centerpiece for my upcoming Tzeentch army. Now I just need to get some matching Chaos Spawns in case he summons some up in my games.


  1. Nice!

    Where are those icicles from? Good bit of modelling kit, that.

    1. Thanks! The icicles comes from a GW basing kit, can't find it on their page so I guess it's gone :.(. Northen Wastes I think it was called, have to check when I come home.

  2. The base really ties that paintjob together. Fantastic work! love the lavaesc effects.

    1. Thanks Greg! Glad you like the effect on the base, might have overdone it but I look how it makes the the whole model come to life.

  3. I like a lot the hot cold contrast, for that miniature is fantastic.
    Base are cool and clever, it subvert natural laws (what chaos does)!

    1. Many thanks, glad you noticed that about the base, its even more true when it comes to Tzeentch which this model will fight alongside most times :)
