
Monday 26 October 2015

Miniature Monday: Throgg the Troll King

I continue with my rebasing of my WoC army, four Chaos Trolls is already done, and here's their King as well... Throgg!

Not as good as he was in 8th I still think he is and good addition to any WoC army, especially if you have a lot of Chaos Trolls, Chaos Ogres etc. Anyway, I really like the model and he looks nice on a bigger round base, I put him on a 60mm base actually even if my Trolls are on 50 mm. He is just so big that a 60 mm just looked better in my opinion.


  1. Looking awesome!
    Love that mini, and love the paint job.

    1. Thank you! It is an awesome model indeed. Was a blast painting it up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. this looks great. ive just been scouring the internet looking for inspiration for painting a chaos troll of my own, and this one really pops.
    im interested what colours were used for the hide and skin? blue is like an alien colour to me! lol
