
Sunday 8 May 2016

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower content pictures

I'm so excited for this game, and hopefully it's a nice marriage between the old and wonderful Warhammer Quest and Age of Sigmar. Well the first pictures of what we get has hit the internet, and well I love it so far. Pretty much all of the contents is what I already have armies for, and for the first time ever a Stormcast model without full armour and helmet (if the priest is an actual Stormcast, might just be an normal Warrior Priest)!

And then we have all the Tzeentch stuff, my nr 1 patron among the Chaos Gods, finally some love for Tzeentch! I'm excited beyond words, and so far all looks really awesome.

Anyhow, here's the first pics I gathered.

Via War of Sigmar
Info: 51 models, 125€, double faced terrain (13) two books (rules and adventure) 2 to 4 players. Different objective (some are here for the LOOT!!!, other to kill the Gaunt summoner. Adventure book is 40 pages with 9 adventures.

And if you have missed GW:s announcement video, here it is.

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