
Monday 26 September 2016

Miniature Monday: Ghoul King

Something unusual for this Miniature Monday. This is the first Ghoul King for my brothers Flesh-Eater Courts army.

I did a light skin on him as my brother wanted and made a little bit more interesting base for him as the model is leaping forwards and I think he has to leap from something, as this particular model is on foot an not on a Zombie Dragon or Terrorgeist.

In the end I really dig the result, not much details to paint so the focus is on the skin and I had to shade it down some further and highlight it back up to get some nice transitions, and trying to keep the depth of the shade in the meantime as well.

Looking forward making some games against this army and think it will look awesome when it's finished.


  1. Great painting and cool bases!!! I really like the contrast on the skin.

    I painted my Ghoul King some time ago

    1. Thanks! Looked at your as well and I really liked the dark feel to it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Really nice work! I am doing a couple of these and I think you have set a high standard for me to aim for!

    1. Thank you! There isn't many details to the model really and that makes it much more important to really work on the skin in my opinion. Hope it goes well mate :)
