
Monday 21 November 2016

Miniature Monday: Stormcast Eternals Paladin Protectors

Continuing working on my Stormcasts, and I really worked hard to pretty much paint these guys up during the past week.

I don't know if it show or not but a lot of time and effort is in the armour itself with all the highlights and what not. It's worth it though because the whole miniature is covered armour.

I really like the Protectors both as how the models look as well as in the rules, and I'm glad I'm finished with these guys. The sad thing is that I'm working towards having ten of these, ten Retributors and ten Decimators, so far five Retributors and five Protectors are done. But I'm getting faster painting these guys actually so... I'll get there.

Until then here's the first five. Next up is some gaming actually during the weekend and painting wise I will paint up something different. Probably something for Silver Tower but we will see. Cheers!

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