
Saturday 5 January 2013

News: Dark Angels Advance Orders are up!

So finally the new Dark Angels are up for advance orders, I'm in the process of ordering the stuff I want right now. It will probably be two boxes of Deathwing, one Dark Talon, the Codex and maybe a box a Ravenwing or Landspeeder Vengeance.

I must say that now when I have seen them in WD and photos on the GW homepage I like the models a lot more, especially the Dark Talon/Nephilim Fighter. Still not sure on Vengeance and I'm not keen on the Belial model but the rest I quite like. Think they will look good in GotC colours.

GW has relased two videos showing the Deathwing kit and the two versions of the new Codex, go and check them out down below.

Also if you want to check out more pictures and the Advance order go to GW webpage. Or if you want to help out a fellow wargamer please go to Wayland games who have 20 % on most of the new Dark Angel stuff and also free shipping! I highly recommend them and as a Affliate to them you help me out as well, just follow this link or click the the Wayland Games banner and shop til you drop ;) I know I will.

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