
Monday 7 January 2013

Showcase: Demigryph Knights Unit Finished!

So at last my unit of six Knights Manticore (yup that's the Knight chapters name) riding Demigryphs is painted and finished! I have put a lot of time into these, much because of the Quick Shade I think which almost made them take longer to paint (and this is of course not usually the case) and I will not use Quick Shade for the next Demigryph unit. But I'm really satisfied with the result in the end. I also really like the look of these big monstrous cavalry units, even If I don't think I will field units of six if I ever play with them in a game.

The last of the bunch, the musician with his special '"horned" shield

Feels great that they are finished anyhow and that I now can move on to other projects, will be more Empire in the near future as well as Guardians of the Covenant, but next post will be the Jan White Dwarf review. Until then please feel free to leave a comment below.  


  1. Those are fantastic! You should be really proud of them. And it's always good to know that all the hard work pays off and you can be the envy of your friends/opponents. Great work, I am now going to have a look at your other posts because I like your style of painting. Bye for now.

  2. Thank you for the kind words and really glad you like my painting style. If you find anything intresting among my older posts and want to comment please do. I check older posts as well and try to answer any answers that may come up.
