Down below you can see the numbers if you are interested.
40 Halberdiers Full CMD = 270
17 Greatswords Full CMD = 217
4 Artillery pieces = 440 (2 Mortars, 1 Cannon, 1 Volley Gun)
1 Bsb on foot = 85 (Just bsb upgrade)
5 Demigryph Knights Standard, Champ. = 320
1 War Altar of Morr (only horn upgrade) = 270
1 General on a Griffon (no upgrades) = 265
1 Engineer = 65
1 Black Rose Knight Standard Bearer = 35
1 Captain on a peg. (no upgr.) = 105
One of the things I want to paint next year |
Total: 2072
40 Swordsmen Full CMD = 310
10 Crossbowmen incl Marksmen = 100
1 Cannon = 120
3 Knights incl Musi = 85
5 Archers = 35
Total 650
So Grand Total Empire painted 2012 is: 2722 Pts
Orcs and Goblins
7 Black Orcs = 84
10 Night Goblins = 30
Total: 114
4 Warriors of Tzeentch (unmarked here though) = 60
6 Khorne Marauders (unmarked) = 24
4 Warhounds = 24
1 Hellcannon = 205
Total: 313
Vampire Counts
20 Zombies = 60
Total: 60
5 Space Marines = 90
2 Terminators incl. CF = 91
Total = 181
All in all I have painted 3390 pts this year across both systems and including the stuff I repainted as well. Quite good in my opinion at least for being me who aren't the fastest painter in the world, spread across all days in a year this brings us to a number of 3390/365 = ~9,3 Pts a day and 282,5 Pts a month.
So that are the numbers I need to beat, so next year I will make a post here on the blog each month to see how I'm doing in the challenge. And of course everyone that will participate feel free to do so and you can post in the comments how you are doing, the more the merrier.