The new releases
Other than that and some other things this issue is about Apocalypse. The Battle Report is a massive one and they even took some bigger pictures showing the battlefield for us, even an second centrefold showing us the whole board and all the models (Dark Angels and Blood Angels vs. Chaos Space Marines and Necrons).
There's also a Article called 'The road to Apocalypse' where they show us what the WD team has been doing to get ready for some big Apocalypse battles. Of course we also get some Painting tips on how to paint Khorne Lord of Skulls,Tesseract Voult and the Aquila Strongpoint in Paint Splatter which is okey but an bigger more detailed Tutorials would have been nice for at least one of them.
The Good
Another thing I like and have liked since it started is the War Diary where people are preparing and painting armies for Armies on Parade 2013, my favourite is of course Dan Harden's Ostermark where he among other things paints up a Death Heads regiment (from Empire Uniforms and Heraldry) which is looking really nice.
There's also a new release from Forgeworld which I'm quite excited about, it's an Contemptor Dreadnought for the Minotaurs Chapter, it looks awesome and will be one of the things I will be buying next time I make an order from Forgeworld.
The Bad
Some articles isn't here in this issue like Blanchitsu, and sure it was pretty much the same all the time but I which they could do something with this, like for example doing Mordheim Warbands one month, etc. Pretty sure this won't happen though as it seems GW just want to forget all those lovely Specialist Games. Other than that there really isn't something particular that is bad, but the overall feeling of this issue is that is isn't that interesting, it's sure doesn't make me interested in Apocalypse.
It's not bad as I said but it isn't that interesting either. I don't know why really maybe because the main releases was not my cup of tea. Also I want to see rules, fluff and the other bits that are missing since the change of WD format. Something that make the magazine worth buying, hopefully we will see some of this in future but we might have to wait.
Rating: 2.5
thanks for the review. I was quite interested in Apocalypse (if not in the Derpy models- and I even have a Khorne army) and so I nearly bought this issue, which would have been the first in a year or so. Nearly. Got to the checkout and discovered it wasn't £4.50 any more but is now £5.50, which breaks through some sort of mental threshold for the price of a glorified catalogue. So I put it back.