Tuesday 17 May 2016

News: Pics of Silver Tower Warscrolls for AoS

Looks like my Tzeentch Arcanites army will get some much awaited reinforcements. So lets take a look shall we?

Wow, really good in combat and a good caster too? Yes thank you. Love the looks of this guy, and the rules seem really great as well.

The Gaunt Summoner was a big let down with the first rules for him on a disc. This however looks so much better, the spell can really dish out a lot of mortal wounds to big units. Loves how he also have his familiars with him.
Love the looks of these guys, not to sure about the rules. Fluffy but no power house. They mix and match their weapons though which is really interesting. Allocate suffered wounds on shield guys, and have the others fight back.
Does not seem like a power house either but a fluffy and decent unit. 2 wounds is always nice and mix of weapons like the Acolytes
Yay! Just like the god ol days Pink Horrors now can turn into two Blue Horrors when they die, wow if a unit of 20 Pink Horrors die in one turn they are turned into 40 blue horrors!

And if the Blue Horrors die they become Brimstone Horrors! Haha love it.
Awesome model and the Illusory Twin rule is just fantastic, must play with this dude some time.

Another unit that can mix and match weapons, love the mechanic and these can also have some missile weapons. 

Monday 16 May 2016

Miniature Monday: Judicators

Another unit added to my Lions of Sigmar, the Judicators. Really nice unit to paint actually, quite easy the reach with your brush anywhere, no shield or anything in the way and such. I put some time into them though and hopes it shows.

Will take a full army picture the coming days as well as the army looks quite nice together now. Anyway that's it for today, cheers guys!

Saturday 14 May 2016

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower up for pre order and playtrough video

Finally! Just pre ordered the box among with the novel, can't wait to get my hands on it. Really jealous of the people to already have their copy from Warhammer Fest. From the GW website you also get an free  Battlemage hero character card if you pre order your copy there.

Anyhow, also check out the video below for a quick playtrough video showing how the game machanics work. Looks like so much fun, love dungeon crawler games and now Warhammer Quest is finally back!

Monday 9 May 2016

News: Silver Tower, more pics and info!

Here's some more pictures and info on what you get in the box. All the stuff looks really great, the Ogroid Traumaturge looks amazing. I really hope we get this stuff for AoS as well, my Tzeentch army needs these!

Info and pics via War of Sigmar

More informations:

"The Warhammer Quest Heroes
6x individual Warhammer Quest heroes
Knight Questor – The Paladin (Stormcast Eternal)
Darkoeth Chieftan – The Barbarian (Free People)
Fyreslayer Doomseeker The Dwarf (Dwarf)
Excelsior War priest & Gryph Hound – The header and war priest companion (Free People)
Mistweaver Saith – Female wizad (Aelf)
Tenebrand Shard – The assassin (Aelf)

The Denizens
44x individual Warhammer Quest monsters that live in the Silver Tower. The below list of miniatures make for a great addition or a start of an original Grand Alliance Chaos army!
Gaunt Summoner
Ogroid Traumaturge
2x Skaven Deathrunners
8x Familiars
6x Tzaangors (Beastmen)
8x Kairic Acolytes
2x Pink Horrors
4x Blue Horrors
4x pairs of Brimstone Horrors
8x Grot Scuttlings

Gaming Accessories
A guide book
An adventure quest book
13x Reversible board tiles with different landscapes
6x Hero character cards
36x Skill and treasure cards
40x Exploration (event) cards, to offer even more variation to the game so that each game will be different.
A booklet with assembly instructions

Gaming accessories such as assorted gaming counters and dice sets "

Sunday 8 May 2016

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower content pictures

I'm so excited for this game, and hopefully it's a nice marriage between the old and wonderful Warhammer Quest and Age of Sigmar. Well the first pictures of what we get has hit the internet, and well I love it so far. Pretty much all of the contents is what I already have armies for, and for the first time ever a Stormcast model without full armour and helmet (if the priest is an actual Stormcast, might just be an normal Warrior Priest)!

And then we have all the Tzeentch stuff, my nr 1 patron among the Chaos Gods, finally some love for Tzeentch! I'm excited beyond words, and so far all looks really awesome.

Anyhow, here's the first pics I gathered.

Via War of Sigmar
Info: 51 models, 125€, double faced terrain (13) two books (rules and adventure) 2 to 4 players. Different objective (some are here for the LOOT!!!, other to kill the Gaunt summoner. Adventure book is 40 pages with 9 adventures.

And if you have missed GW:s announcement video, here it is.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Dawn of War III – Announcement Trailer

Finally! A new Dawn of War game, really psycked for this as I loved the previous games, especially the first and it's expansions. Really cool trailer as well, go and check this out if you haven't already.

Monday 2 May 2016

Miniature Monday: War Altar of Sigmar

I've decided I wanted some Devoted of Sigmar in to accompany my Stormcast Eternals. And now I finally my converted War Altar, but I did a little more than just rebasing of this model.

You can see how it looked before here. And even if I liked how it looked before It didn't work as good with my Lions of Sigmar Stormcast. It was purple but the wrong tint of purple. So I redid all this on both the flagellants and the wagon.

The Arch Lector was before a High Priest of Morr, but since the End Times Morr is no more. I didn't want to change it altogether, I like the statue, the roses etc. but the High Priest looked a little out of place. So I changed him into Death Mage and put the original Arch Lector on top of the War Altar instead. So I painted him up in matching colors, did some more touch ups etc. and here is the final result. 

Liked how it turned out, and the model looks so much nicer on a big oval base I must say. Please tell me what you think, and if anyone out there has tried it in AoS please tell me what you think about it.

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