Monday 29 August 2016

Miniature Monday: Celestial Hurricanum

Just a WIP this time around, but at least a late WIP. OMG these models (Hurricanum, Luminark & War Altar) takes forever to paint up. I don't think it really shows, but there's just so many details and stuff going on that needs paint it really takes forever to paint any one of these up.

I have a War Altar, soon a finished Hurricanum, and I still also want an Luminark, despite how f%"#ng! long it takes to paint one up. That is a good kit I tell you that.

Anyhow, here's what I got so far. The actual Hurricanum is soon finished, I need to paint some more planets/space objects, two characters on it and some minor things and then done. I hate how long time it takes to get these things finished, but I also love to paint them up.

Well here's what I got for today. I painted it to match my Stormcast as well as my Free Guild. Hope you like it and I will soon post pics of the final product.

Monday 8 August 2016

Miniature Monday: Freeguild Guard and Demigryph Knights

So I thought I didn't have enough projects, so I also started to rebase and repaint my old Empire army, now the Freeguild. That is the hardest thing with AoS resisting not to start a new project all the time. Not something I'm good at but at least I'm mostly sticking to the armies I already have.

Anyway, I felt the urge to transform my Empire army into an AoS army and use them together with my Stormcast Eternals. Not that hard if I just rebase them, but I can never do just that... So I did some repainting, mostly touch ups, but also redid the purple to better match with my Stormcasts. Thought about changing the yellow for white as well but that would take to much time so I went with this.

Thats a start at least, much more to do here and I will treat this as a little side project for now. 

Monday 1 August 2016

Miniature Monday: Excelsior Warpriest

Hey there, just finished this dude, the Excelsior Warpriest and his pet Gryph hound. I actually played Silver Tower the other day and I played with this dude, really great, the gryph hound did me proud many times in the two sessions I played. Really really fun game as well by the way, so will continue painting more Silver Tower stuff among all the other projects I have.

Hope you like and see you next time.

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