Friday 28 June 2013

First look: July White Dwarf Pics

So got my White Dwarf today and there's some interesting stuff in there, especially the last pic if you ask me :) So if you haven't got it yet but want to know what's in it check out the pics below for some pictures of the new releases.

So what am I most excited in this WD? The Minotaurs Contemptor Dreadnought, will definitely buy that one later on. 

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Warzone: PDF Rules released! And some bad news

Yay at last we got our beloved Rules PDF for Warzone: Ressurection. Have just made glimpse through so far but it is looking really promising. The PDF is for backers only I'm afraid so If your not you have to wait to see it, also we got some bad news as well.

We got some info about this in episode 3 of Doomtrooper Radio, that Prodos has having some problems with a 3D guy who made stuff they couldn't manufacture, flooding in the designated book manufacturer in Czech Republic and the 3D Printer braking down, all of course causing delays. Well that's life, and a June delivery of the first wave where too good to be true and I rather wait to get a nice and finished product than a speedy put together one.

Of course we all want our miniatures and all the other stuff as soon as we can but until then we can at least test out the rules (we will be getting full Unit Rules for each faction this week starting with Cybertronic) so we can have proxy miniatures and play games of WZR really soon, which is something I'm planning to do.

Warzone: Mishima Ronin Samurai

Didn't get the PDF-rules yesterday unfortunately, Prodos had some problems with the PDF master file so we have to wait a little more to read those, hopefully just some more hours though. Well we got an little update at least showing us renders of the Ronin Samurai for Mishima and they are looking really cool.

Monday 24 June 2013

Miniature Monday Weekly Update

So another Monday and another weekly update about what I have been doing the last week. It actually started with not much hobby work at all as both my girlfriend and my daughter had their birthdays with a lot of celebrations and birthday parties and what not. But I later actually got around painting some stuff.

One of the things I got an sudden urge to do was to re-paint my Dwarfs, nothing major just try out a different colour scheme as I felt the old one is to similar to my WoC and Empire. I have also always liked Dwarfs in red so I went that instead.

I may have to do something else with the Thunderer but I like how the shields turned out, especially the Ironbreaker shields. (old colour scheme can be found here)

I have also continued painting my Empire Archers and two are pretty much finished as you can see below. Just some more highlights and some work on the bases, I had three more on the way almost finished but I misplaced one of them and just can't find anywhere :O

I have painted a little more Warzone as well, and changed the colours of the Shoulder and knee pads on thins miniature and like this one better actually so I may go with this colour on my Bauhaus. 

That's all for today, and now I'm going to eagerly await the PDF  rules of Warzone: Resurrection which will be released for backers today!

Friday 21 June 2013

Showcase: Empire Steamtank

I repainted this one a couple of months ago and took better quality photos of it. I forgot to post the photos here though and of course I want to show the pride of the Empire, the Steamtank!

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Warzone: New pictures!

Soon we will get us the first things to be sent out, Rulebooks (for those who just pledged for those) and PDF:s of the Rulebook for all Pledgers. Nearing their deadline Prodos is now throwing out pictures showing the latest renders and of cast miniatures and It is looking really good I must say.

Also go a read the latest post on League of Extraordinary Gamers (LXG) where Second Class Elitist have some inside info and making educated guesses about the near future of WZR, a good read for us interested in WZR.

So here's the latest updates from Prodos:

New more 'Old school' look on the Light Infantry, I like!

And even better is the Airbourne upgrade pack, awesome looking unit.

Angelica Drachen, Valerie Duval and a Venusian ranger in the background, is looking good!


Monday 17 June 2013

Miniature Monday weekly roundup

So Monday again and here's what I have been doing lately in the hobby. I have been dabbling into a couple of projects really and not really finished anything accept the Empire Grey Wizard I posted yesterday. Other than that I pretty much continue on the stuff I reported about last Miniature Monday.

First up is the Bauhaus Kommando, have done some Highlights on him so there's just a couple of more things to do on him including the base and some more Highlights.

I haven't done much with my Archers this week but they are on the high priority list on things to do and finish up painting. Also high on this list is the two Knights of the Black Rose and some more Flagellants including some Mordheim models. For Empire I also have a big model to continue painting, the Celestial Hurricanum, wow that is an intimidating model to start and paint up, there's just so much details and parts to paint. Especially when you already have painted a similar model (my War Altar).

For WoC I have a couple of stuff to do as well, and highest on that list is my BSB on Demonic Mount and finish painting up one Skullchrusher.

That's all for now, I hope this can be of some interest for you my readers, for me it's another motivator to actually complete something during each week. Which is something I really need :) Until next time, bye.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Empire: Grey Wizard finished!

Iv'e had trouble lately to actually finish my models, and this miniature has been on the to do list for quite some time now. So it feels even more great when I finally announce that it is now finished. As you cans see it is Gandalf....... ehm I mean a Grey Wizard, so he knows Lore of Shadow. I must say I'm really fond of this model which is originally from Mordheim and was called Nicodemus. And even if I will use him as a Shadow Wizard in Warhammer first and foremost I may use him in Mordheim as Nicodemus himself if I ever play that wonderful game again. Just see the back story of him under the pictures to understand why anyone want to use him.

Nicodemus, the Cursed Pilgrim
By Alessio Cavatore,as appeared in Empire in Flames

Nicodemus was a promising apprentice to the mighty wizard Ganthrandir. During one of his master's many absences, Nicodemus felt an irresistible call from one of the ancient artifacts stored in the wizard's laboratory: an exotic magic lantern. Created when the world was but young, this mighty artifact imprisoned the essence of a powerful Daemon. 
Many times Nicodemus' master had warned him not to touch the dangerous lantern, but the voice in the young wizard's mind was more convincing than even his mentor's: "Free me" it was saying "and 1 will grant you your heart's desire anything you want will be yours! Mine is the power to crake it so! Free me... " Nicodemus knew something of dealing with these denizens from the Realm of Chaos and immediately asked: "Do you swear it on the name of the Power you sewer" After a moment of silence, the voice answered: 'I swear it in the name of my Master!" So the ambitious but naive young wizard was hooked and proceeded to break the runic seals of the lantern.
'Free at last!" boomed the voice of the Daemon as it emerged from its prison in a billowing, many-hued cloud. The smoke then seemed to coalesce into the vague shape of a huge humanoid creature, with a bird-like head atop a long thin neck and vast wings seemingly made of iridescent light. The Daemon looked down on the human, and Nicodemus, controlling his fear, shouted: "The wish! You must grant me the wish as you swore it!" The mighty Chaos being smiled enigmatically and asked: "What is your wish then, manling?" 
Fighting hard against all the instincts telling him to flee as far as he could from this unearthly abomination, Nicodemus revealed his wish: "I want to become the greatest wizard known to Mankind!" 
A few long heartbeats later the fiery gaze of the Daemon left the wizard: "Granted!" whispered the Daemon and with one last evil chuckle disappeared back to the nether world from whence it came. 
Nicodemus did not perceive any immediate change and wondered how long it would take for the wish to come true. Only one thing was clear, he could not stay there anymore, because his master would certainly not be pleased by his actions. So Nicodemus picked up his things and fled, beginning his wanderings across the Old World. 
Only a few weeks after that fateful day did Nicodemus realise the Daemon's trickery. His body was growing abnormally quickly - he was now an inch taller than the previous week and his body was getting proportionally bigger. The greatest wizard! The cunning Daemon had taken his wish too literally! Nicodemus had been taught to be extremely careful with the wording of anything related to wish-magic, but the sheer terror generated by the Daemon had overcome his training... Now he was doomed to live with his mistake. 
From that day on, the life of Nicodemus has been an uninterrupted quest, a desperate search for a way to negate the curse of unstoppable growth. The only remedy he has stumbled upon is a powerful potion concocted by a wise hermit he met in the World's Edge Mountains. The potion's ability to delay the effects of the Daemon's powers has become a lifeline fur the sizeable wizard. Unfortunately for Nicodemus he requires regular infusions of wyrdstone for the potion to take effect. Thus Nicodemus has been drawn to the greatest concentration this wondrous mineral - Mordheim, City of the Damned. 
Nicodemus's skills have greatly developed during his time in the dark streets of Mordheim and he is now something of a legend among the many warbands trying for supremacy in the city. Who knows where he will appear next and who will he join in his never ending search for the precious magic stones... 
This background story was copied from the really usefull Mordheim site 'The Mordheimer's Information Center'.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Tutorial: How to paint a Tzeentch Chaos Warrior

If you are following my blog you will probably know by now that my Tzeentch Warriors of Chaos is blue, well most of my WoC army is blue but that is because of colour scheme I choose when I started to paint up my Sword/ board warriors of Tzeentch. I have got some questions about how I paint them and well it's pretty damn simple really. But it's always easier to explain when having pictures so here's a little tutorial on how I paint my blue Chaos Warriors, I hope you find it useful even if you aren't doing blue Chaos warriors, just change the blue for something else and you are set.

Here I have put on all the first layers of paint on the model. It was basecoated black, and the blue is the old Citadel colour Enchanted Blue (haven't found a substitute for this one yet). I painted the cloak with Citadel Liche Purple (also a old one) and choose colour for the hilt on the weapon as well. For the metal parts I used Army Painters (AP) Gun Metal and gold parts AP Greedy Gold. For all brown/leather parts I used old Citadel Calthan Brown and for the skulls and fur I used Citadel Rakarth Flesh. For the last colour of the horns on the helmet I used Citadel Zandri Dust

When all they layers was painted unto the model I used AP Dark Tone Ink to wash all areas of the model accept the brown parts and the Rakarth Flesh/Zandri dust parts. For those I instead used AP Strong Tone. 

Now I re highlight everything on the model with the same colour as I used for the first layers this is a quite heavy highlight.

Next up is a finer highlight on the absolute edges of the model, I used Citadel Temple Guard Blue for the blue armour and, AP Shining Silver for the metal parts and old Citadel Burnished Gold for the Gold parts. For the purple parts I used old Citadel Warlock Purple which you need to paint two times probably, for the fur I didn't really need another HL as they get lighter when you drybrush them more but if you want to you can mix in a little of white in the Rakarth Flesh and do one more drybrush. For the horns I did this on top of them mixing a little AP Matt White with Zandri Dust. The skulls and the fangs on the cloak I did a final HL with pure White.

And here's the finished result, with the shield added of course. I Really recommend to paint the shield separately from the body as it's much easier to reach all the areas. If you want to know How to free hand paint the shield you can find a Tutorial for that here. Also for the base I used bi carbonate for the snow, some stones and static dead grass, will probably do another Tutorial for this if people are interested.

Also if you aren't totally satisfied with the result of the highlights, use an wash/ink or a glaze to a smoother transition between the highlights and do a final HL again. Normally I don't need to do this but for the shields I sometimes use Citadel Guilliman blue glaze or old Citadell Asurmen Blue to get a better transition.

Hope you find this Tutorial usefull and as I said in the beginning you can just switch the blue for something else and pretty much follow this tutorial for the rest.

Friday 14 June 2013

Warzone: Production in progress

Every new update makes me more and more excited to soon get my hands on these wonderful miniatures and everything else I have pledged for. So it is always nice when we actual real and cast miniatures that is exactly what we get to see in this update. 

We see the really cool looking Crucifier and lot's of other bit's I'm unsure of. The torso on the right looks like a Capitol dude but I can't really find a perfect fit so I don't know. The ones in the background with the guns up stretched in the air may be Capitol Henry Thomas. Other than that it is looking really promising and it looks like the models is having the same amount of detail as the 3D renders, as you also can see on the pic below with the model Lord Inquisitor Hamilkar (I forgot to post this up earlier)

Wednesday 12 June 2013

News: New Warhammer 40k MMO 'Eternal Crusade'

Today we got an anouncement from Behaviour Interactive that they work on a new MMO based on the 40k universe. Check out the details from the press release below, also get more info and future updates at the official website.
Behaviour Interactive and Games Workshop® proudly announce a new online game in the Warhammer® 40,000® universe: Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade. Behaviour Interactive has obtained the rights to create a wholly new MMORPG persistent war experience for PC, PS4 and Xbox One set in Games Workshop's universe of the 41st Millennium. In the game, players choose a Warhammer 40,000 race and fight directly as one of their warriors in massive conflicts for territory. It will be up to each faction's community to determine their own destiny as they vie for control of an entire planet. 
"I am thrilled to announce what will finally be the first MMORPG based on the Warhammer 40,000 license," said Miguel Caron, Head of Studio, Online at Behaviour Interactive. "Eternal Crusade's team are all MMO development veterans and with the support of Behaviour's 20+ years of experience this is going to be the online Warhammer 40,000 universe game that fans have been dreaming of for years!" 
"Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is the second milestone in Behaviours new online strategic positioning after last year's Star Citizen Announcement." said Rémi Racine, President and Executive Producer of Behaviour. "We are very happy with the progress of the online studio and you should expect more similar announcements to come." 
"The depth, breadth and sheer level of detail that the Warhammer 40,000 universe has after 26 years of continuous development makes it one of the great fantasy settings of our times." said Jon Gillard, Head of Licensing at Games Workshop. "Experiencing the thrill of first hand combat in this world of eternal conflict, with thousands of other players beside you, will be fantastic." 
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is currently in development for PC, PS4, and Xbox One and will release in late 2015. 
Main features of the game include:
Experience the gameworld with 3rd-person, behind the shoulder action featuring precision gunplay and brutal melee combat with excruciating finishers; 
Participate in a persistent online war to conquer the planet, its fate completely in the hands of the players; 
Become a warrior from one of four initial factions, each unique and opposed to one another: Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Orks and Eldar. 
Participate in truly massive conflicts that simultaneously bring thousands of players to bear over territories and other strategic resources. 
Get behind the controls of Space Marine Rhinos, Predators, Ork Battlewagons and other iconic vehicles of the 41st millennium; 
Hack through genuinely challenging procedural content alongside your battle-brothers and never have the same experience twice; 
Earn the right to customize your builds in a deep progression system drawing on the rich Warhammer 40,000 universe. 
Found a Battle Squad with friends and prepare for conflict from your customized shared space in orbit - then drop down to the planet together and seek out glory.
Comment: Awesome to drive a Rhino and such stuff but I hope they make this MMO good and fun to play. MMOs is probably the hardest you can try to do in the Game industry today and many fails even with good IP:s behind them. Will be interesting to see how it goes though and hopefully we will get a great game. 

Warzone: Thoughts about the rules, models at Grumpy Old Wargamers Con

A lot of fun and cool games where shown and demoed at Grumpy Old Wargamers Con last weekend, and the most interesting bit for me was the first public demo's of Warzone: Resurrection Sadly I could not attend, mostly due of it being in the UK and I'm in Sweden and haven't any time to travel there right now. However there are very kind souls who attended and who has described how the convention went and how the game played, looked etc. So here's a little article written by cybermonkey over at The WZR Forum about what he saw and how the game rules felt etc. Also here's some more pictures from the event taken by Ishibei (Alex) in the text who also have a very nice blog where you can find even more pictures.

It's a lot of text I know, but I promise you that it's worth a read, if your'e just curious about WZR or a little interested you will be more interested after reading this.

Ok so with my littlest daughter asleep and the other two at school I finally have some time to talk about Saturday!

Ishibei (Alex) arrived at mine nice and early and we got underway with good time arriving at the venue 30mins ahead of opening. In fact we saw Prodos arrive, recognising Mark and Rob from their Youtube interviews. I'm sorry to say I never caught the 3rd team members name :( BAD me!

All three of them were proudly sporting their Mutant Chronicles t-shirts and those of you that have ordered them will likely be very happy. I know Alex has got one for when he demos games in Southampton...

When we finally got in (there were a bunch of us being very British and waiting to be invited in - apparently others had just let themselves in elsewhere! lol) we headed straight for Prodos where we were given a really nice and friendly reception by Mark and Rob. This is also where we had the pleasure of meeting Richard for the first time (Eisenhorn) who we spent most of the day with and are now friends on facebook!
What I hadn't realised (or even considered before Saturday) was that Mark and Rob have full-time jobs at the moment and are working like mad on this project in all their spare time, Mark even has kids so he's really going some bless him - this is another testament to their amazing passion about the project - these guys just never run out of energy (or at least let us see it) where Mutant Chronicles is concerned!

We had a chat about release dates - Rules are just getting final checks and translations from 'Polglish' - as you may have noticed not everything translates perfectly from Polish to English especially when you take into account English slang terms and colloquialisms. There's a great example Mark told us about Jared's original name for the Everassaur's electronic feedback. This passive ability was originally called 'discharge' the term on the card therefore being 'passive discharge' :D Something only someone with an understanding of English Slang would even find funny!

Others include 'dices' rather then 'die' on the shop :)
Release dates are as announced with pdfs coming out towards the end of the month with a gradual roll out of all items from there forward.

Anyway... so it wasn't long before we were begging to play our first game. There were two boards set up (both 2' x 2' - a great size for a 'slightly smaller then starter set' skirmish game). One board was a ruined town area, the other a trench warfare board. The two DarK Legion armies were identical (except one had an oversized necromutant as a stand in for Alakhai the Cunning who is currently in the process of being made bigger!). The Cybertronics had two slightly different armies - one had armoured chasseurs, the other (the one I played) normal chasseurs.

Well the first thing we did was go mad about the figures! The detail is amazing and the figures gorgeous. The everassaur I had the pleasure of using was the Cool Mini or Not version and man I drooled. In fact if I hadn't just told Mark my name I may even have grabbed it and run! Alex got to use the Alakhai figure (this guy is a monster as he is and they're planning on making him another 5mm taller). My advice to anyone playing against Dark Legion is kill him asap, he has no ranged weapon but he is an absolute destroyer in hand to hand!
The paint jobs on all the figures those by Rob, Prophaniti or elsewhere were brilliant and really brought the game to life - I really do prefer to play games with painted minis. The armoured chasseurs when built properly are amazing, I'm so glad I'm getting some. :)

So our first game was great fun and I now got two bragging rights - I am the first person outside Prodos and their local gaming club to kill another mini and I am also the first person outside of this small group to win a game of Warzone Resurrection!

The game started with initiative rolls - I won (apparently I'm a demon at rolling initiative) so I went first (my choice) I got my chasseurs into cover and opened fire on Alex's Undead Legionnaires killing 3 of the 5 of them! Good rolling. The two remaining legionnaires returned fire but I saved both shots on armour (something else it turns out I'm lucky with). My Cuirassier (who I love by the way) returned fire but for no effect... boo!

Razide failed to damage his target - I think it was the Cuirassier! My Everassaur failed to wound Razide and then Alakhai ran across the board ending up very close to my Everassaur to finish turn one.
Turn two started with me winning initiative again (you roll every turn - highest on a D20 wins) my chasseur squad pounded shots into Razide knocking him down to 1 wound, Razide then opened up on my chasseurs and I was down to two before I'd blinked! My Everassaur shot Alakhai and Alakhai charged him back to begin and absolutely epic combat - the results of which maybe didn't decide the whole game but were certainly important. My Cuirassier then took his chance to finish off Razide followed by Alex trying to dig my chasseurs out of their hideouts, cover is a must in this game!

The game continued with an epic confrontation in the middle of the board as I slowly cleared out Alex's remaining Legionairres then turned everything onto Alakhai. In the end - through an epic amount of good rolls for me and bad rolls for Alex - I won comfortably. I believe killing Razide before Alex killed my Cuirassier was the key. My Everassaur had one wound left, my Cuirassier two and I had two squad members left.

My memory is appalling but this is pretty close to what happened Alex likely will read this and email me with a few errors but it's close enough.

Richard (also playing Cyber)then won on the other board - their game finishing within 5 minutes of ours. I don't really know how that went because I was so focused on my game :)

Rob did a fantastic job of keeping an eye on us and the rules and Mark was busy chatting to anyone interested and watching us enjoy ourselves. We all got one of the oversized Necromutants (there are only 10 in the world)!!!!!! Which was really cool of the Prodos guys to do this for us.

Things we noticed as we played;
Cuirassiers can only be in squads of 1-3 not 1-6 as per the shop. They do not need to be in more then 3 and likely one is enough - these guys are amazing! They were the real star of the show for me.
Cuirassiers have a plasma gun that fires piercing - not sure if we mentioned this to the Prodos guys - is this a typo?

Alakhai is a beast, an absolute killer! He can burn two resources to get two more attacks and then still activate the generic ability to burn another resource for an extra attack for a total of six attacks. These must be rolled in order as each consecutive hit adds two to his strength and each two strength over 20 deals an additional wound. He's a squad killer - his hand to hand range is 2" and he can move onto new opponents within 2" or he's a character killer dealing multiple wounds on each hit!
Everassaurs electronic feedback is amazing - it's not hard but it certainly helped kill off Alakhai!

So lets try and cover some of the rules...
It's all D20 based, everything other than initiative you are trying to roll low - equal to or under the necessary number.

Initiative is rolled at the start of every turn and highest chooses who goes first. You take it in turn to move one squad at a time and this is done one figure at a time.

Each figure has two actions - the same action can't be repeated. This may be move and shoot, charge and hit, aim (awesome +2 modifier) and shoot etc. Generally with a ranged army you are likely to get into cover then aim and shoot as an ideal. Of course objectives may change this as you can't always just sit there. Melee are wanting to run as much as possible then charge for their bonus. Legionnaires can't run - they can only move at base speed.

Healing - possessed by all Dark Legion that I came across and the Everassaur - is great and generally boostable (as a % chance of success) with a burnt resource. If you take damage by failing an armour roll you make a heal roll. If you pass you don't lose the wound!

If you roll a 1 to hit you automatically wound your target, no armour save, no heal roll. This is great for shooting Alakhai with chasseurs (ahem... sorry I meant this is great for shooting any hero with a squad ;) ) as you can still damage them with the small guys - you can anyway but you should see your opponents face when you roll a 1 and there's nothing he can do about it!

If you roll a 20 that ends that figures go. For instance if you were planning on shooting and then moving into cover (I should have done more of this in my second game!) but rolled a 20 to hit something has gone wrong and you don't get your move action.
Cover is awesome! Hard cover gives a -4 to hit, soft -2. Cover is a must :)

Every point of strength over 10 reduces armour by 1 point so saving against it is harder. Every two points of strength over 20 adds an extra wound. So if you roll a strength 24 hit (possible with Alakhai I think!) it will do 3 wounds and have -14 armour!
Armour can't go below the number in brackets on the card - that's what the number in brackets is :)

Line of Sight is true LoS. You try and look through your minis head to see if he can see his target.
Resources turn to burn and renew at the start of every turn. Use them! I was rubbish at remembering to use them :D In the basic game you get three from your hero and 1 for a squad leader. If these guys die you lose the corresponding number of cards (you can choose which though so you can get rid of your spent ones first). Keep your squad leaders at the back of the squad if you can due to the next two rules...

There's a minus for shooting through minis, I think it was -2 (basically they're like soft cover but I think they stack - in fact I think all cover stacks) so a figure at the back of the squad is harder to hit - however the figure applies the same minus when shooting back as it too is firing through others.

If you want to shoot at a miniature other than the nearest target (although this may just be not in the nearest squad but I think it is just the nearest mini) then you have to pass a leadership test.

You can burn resources to activate abilities on the cards, have an extra action point (you still can't repeat actions you've already done), or get an extra attack. You can do more then one of these in the same turn but not the same one repeatedly (you can activate multiple abilities but not the same ability multiple times).
We think, not 100% sure on this one, that the same squad can't go first on consecutive turns unless they are your only squad left.

Shooting into hand to hand is possible but a BAD idea. I think it's -8 to hit and misses can end up being applied to your own combatant. A last ditch idea unless you are playing a 3-way game!
If you are reduced to 50% or less miniatures you have to immediately make a leadership roll or break. No one ever failed one of these so not too sure what happens if you break.

I think that's it. The game is brilliantly simple really - there's no continuous reference to a rulebook, it's all on the stat cards. I'm really looking forward to using the other cards!

So what did I think? Well as you can tell I'm a fan :) I love the way the game flows, I like taking small squad sized actions rather then whole armies taking turns (I play 40k) and the back and forth between opponents.
It did leave me wondering this morning if something could be 'borrowed' from bolt action but that's probably a bit rude! But it certainly could be interesting to pull out of a bag (or shuffle cards!) to see which squad goes in which order - leading to more fluctuation. I honestly think this could add to the game but it certainly isn't hurt without it. Maybe I'll try it as a house rule?

This to me shows how much I've been reflecting on the game since I played it and this is quite honestly the one thought I've had that I thought MIGHT improve the game - and there's no guarantee of that!
The game flows brilliantly, is easy to play (compared to 40k for example), and is quick even for beginners.

The second game...
After we got to have a go of playtesting the Mutant Chronicles RPG by Mordipheus (yes my day really was that good!) - I'll try and do a write up of that at another point - we had another game. And oh my word was it close. I started playing against Rob but about half way through he was asked if he could judge the painting competition so Alex took over. The battle was epic! Thinking I'd learnt from the first game I killed off Razide first turn (although only after he'd done some hefty damage to my chasseurs) and then once again it ended up with Alakhai vs the Everassaur in hand to hand while my remaining Chasseurs and my Cuirassier took out the remaining legionnaires. The difference was this time the rolling was far more even and Alakhai shone! My Chasseurs were too close and he was able to kill them off as well as hitting the Everassaur - this hurt me, especially when he rolled a 1 and vampired a point of health back! I was attacking him with everything I have and in the end it came down to his Alakhai with one hit left vs my last remaining Chasseur! I won initiative and then managed to hit him in hand to hand, he then passed his armour roll and turned round and flattened my Chasseur - lol.

It came down to that roll of a 1 on the vampirism, that was it, that was the decider, the game really was that close. If he'd rolled a 2 instead at the time it would have made little difference but at the end of the game it was that one wound being returned that won if for him!


Thanks to Alex for suggesting both the kick starter and Grumpy Wargamers - follow him on his blog:

Thanks to Richard for being a great companion for the day and sharing and adding to our enjoyment and enthusiasm.

And particular thanks to the Prodos guys, Mark, Rob and (I wish I knew you name!)Mr. X, for being brilliant and enthusiastic and generous. I'm really happy with my set of photo sized artwork and especially my oversized NecroMutant! (Oh and my bragging rights - gotta love those) I had a brilliant day and am now even more excited!

Finally I'm going to end with a little teaser or two... Apparently the mirrormen are awesome! Prodos couldn't decide which way to go with these guys - the stealth version found in the old wargame or the bright chromatically finished bodyguards found in the roleplay game. So what did they do?

They went with both!!! These guys have special technology in their armour that either displays whats behind them (making them 'invisible') or projects light forward making them a very obvious target! I can't wait to see how this plays out in their rules!

And... us o so lucky few got to see a little piece of artwork from the book that showed a great jungle seen with some bauhaus troops about to be ambushed by some sword wielding silhouettes - perhaps mishima, perhaps brotherhood Mortificators. It was a gorgeous piece!

Take care all and I am so damn excited right now :)
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