Monday 30 November 2015

Miniature Monday: Lions of Sigmar Lord-Relictor

Got some more Stormcast Eternals for you today, the Lord-Relictor! This dude took a lot more time to paint than what I first had thought for sure. The icon he has took a lot of time, as well as all the scrolls. But I like how he turned out in the end, regretted a little that I did no conversions, I have seen many really cool on the web and twitter.

They are really cheap to buy separate on eBay though so I might do a new one sometime in the future. But before that I have a lot of other stuff to do, next up for the Stormcasts are two more Prosecutors.

Monday 23 November 2015

Miniature Monday: Warriors of Nurgle

It's that time of the week again, Miniature Monday! Have much more stuff going on but struggling getting stuff finished. Been moving houses as well as my man cave but it's finally starting to get done so I can focus some more on painitng, and posting stuff on the blog!

Oh and I have been playing videogames as well, Fallout 4 is taking a LOT of my spare time lately. Anyways, here's first five of my rebased Nurgle army. I redid the bases from scratch on these, as I wanted more of a swamp theme. And I liked the result. Really looking forward painting some more Nurgle stuff soon, I have yet to start on my Maggot Lord, Morbidex. Glottkin and some Putrid Blight Kings... and much more stuff! 

Monday 16 November 2015

Miniature Monday: Stormcast Eternals Retributors

Been away awhile again, been much in my personal life and at work. I have been doing some painting though. And finally Iv'e finished some more of my Stormcast Eternals, please say welcome to the Retributors!

I really like these models, and I'm really happy with how these turned out as well. Next on my to do list for the Stormcasts are Lord Relictor and two more Prosecutors. After that, more Liberators a Lord-Castellant, gryph hound, Judicators and some Protectors. 

Monday 2 November 2015

Miniature Monday: Khorne Skullchrusher

All I do currently is about AoS, I'm building terrain, assemble models, paint models, rebasing and repainting.

For this model I did the last two, I first repainted him quite a lot. Some of you might have seen how my old Skullchrushers looked liked, if not you can find them here. I always liked how they looked before, but back when I painted them I wanted a unified looking force with models from all the Chaos gods. As my force was mainly Tzeentch I painted them blue.

As I said, I liked the look.... but well, Khorne in blue... it's just feels wrong...

Now in AoS I went with an totally other idea, separate all my Chaos models into smaller Chaos God specific armies... With different basing, different colors and so on. It's not as versatile when it comes to do games, but it's going to be more fun and varied when it comes to painting and basing each army instead.

Anyway, went with a more traditional red theme on one of my Skullchrushers to try it out. And well, I'm really happy with the result. I also redid the shield a little and it looks better now I think.

Sorry about the poorer picture quality this time around, was in a little bit of a hurry when I took the pictures. Comments are much welcome!

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