Tuesday 31 January 2012

Empire Update: More Halberdiers and Swordsmen

A little update on my progress on the Empire army. The repainting process is coming along nicely, just need to repaint some more soldiers to finish off that unit then I move on to making more cannons and repaint my Crossbowmen and Outriders. Also my Halberds unit is starting to look like something and is now up to nine models, so got some more to do here. But have ordered a can of ArmyPainter's Primer Desert Yellow to try to get the yellow parts done faster.

But here's the pics for now anyway. Next up is a two reviews, one on the newest WD and one on the new Vampire Counts army book.

Monday 30 January 2012

Orcs & Goblins update: Black Orc test model

I Will make this text short because I'm writing on my IPhone and takes a lot of time. I've finished a test model and the first of thirty Black orcs. Got an suggestion on the Da warpath forum on which colour scheme I should use. And that was to make something similar to the Arachnarok. So here's how it turned out. Please tell me what you think.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Empire update: New Greatsword test model

Yeah repainted a Greatsword model again but this time I actually think that I'm satisfied with the result. I will probably have different variations of brown hats instead of red though. I wanted the Greatswords to look a bit different from the others to promote their higher status. And Ostermark mostly have purple/yellow or purple/white according the fluff so I went with this and changed the colour of the feather to make them look more different. You can compare it it here with how my my old scheme for them looked, I think the old one weren't colourful enough, and if one unit in the army should look bright and extravagant  it should be the Greatswords. So what do think?

And here's some pics of some work in progress, the swordsmen and some other stuff that need some repainting also a pic of my cabinet where I have some of the models I need to get done.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Empire Update: Second Great Cannon Finished

I'm working on several Empire projects at the moment and among them is to actually finish off all of my different Cannons. So now I have the pretty much mandatory in Empire army builds, two Great Cannons finished. The first one was done and shown here some time ago and now the second one is finished with an own round base for the cannon and it's crew. And I intend to do these bases for all of my cannons, and now I have two Mortars, one Helstorm and one Helblaster to finish. Anyway enough of me talking (writing), here's the pics also as an bonus some more of my repainted Swordsmen, now I only have to repaint thirteen more to complete the unit.

Friday 20 January 2012

News: Wh Forge Chaos Dwarf Daemonsmiths

Got the Warhammer Forge Newsletter yesterday and had to show it here. It's the new Daemonsmiths for Chaos Dwarfs and what a lovely model range that is. Really like all the Chaos Dwarf stuff and these are new additions are no exception. The kit consist of three models, Sorcerer-Prophet, Daemonsmith and an Infernal Castellan. A must for you Chaos Dwarf players out there, looking forward seeing what Warhammer Forge puts out in the future. For more pictures and info, check the link here.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Empire Update: First five Ostermark Halberdiers and more

I'm been working quite hard now with my Empire, I've started to repaint my Swordsmen, Cannon Crew and building some Halberdiers. And as I've shown in an earlier post I have also finished the BSB for my Ostermark army. I feel I really needed this change for my Empire army as my interest was fading quite hard, but with a new theme and colour scheme my interest have gone up considerably. And I want to have as much as possible painted before the rumoured new army book arrives. So I will continue to repaint the army and paint new units. First up is one cannon, two mortars, one Helstorm Rocket Battery and one Helblaster. As well as finish up an unit of forty or fifty Halberdiers. Will try to actually finish up my old General on a barded Griffon as well. So look below for some of the first pictures of my new Ostermark army.

Monday 16 January 2012

Review: White Dwarf 385

Hi, sorry this review are a little late, I also wrote the first part a couple of days ago before the VC book and the miniatures was released. Anyway here it is. This issue is mostly about the latest big realese, Vampire Counts. And first of all I must say that the new VC stuff looks great, and I will buy some of the new stuff later but right now the army book will have to do.

And of course they are showing off the new stuff a lot in this issue with all the usual stuff, battle report (a really nice one actually), showcasing the new miniatures and a lot of thext about the changes to the army. This is not a problem for me though, as VC is one of the armies I collect and really interested in. Also this was the first confirmed glimpse of all the stats and rules for the new VC stuff and some people immediately cried Powercreep. I say we wait until we all have seen the book and test played some games before judging

Anyhow there is some other stuff besides VC as well, like "official" rules for 'Civil War' games, for example Empire vs. Empire, VC vs. VC and so on. There's also two painting tutorials, one for the Ghorgon and one very useful one for the Mortis Engine. Not much for you Wh40k players, but there is a quite well made Tactica for Necrons. All in all a quite decent magazine and it was really interesting reading about the new rules for VC which I've heard so much different rumours about, if you're not that interested in the undead minions this issue may not be for you but there are some really nice pictures of the new stuff and some really good reading. Looking forward seeing what's in store in the next issue.

Rating: 3,5 out of 5

Thursday 12 January 2012

Orcs and Goblins Update: Ten more Night Goblins

As the title says, I have now finished ten more Night Goblins so now they are thirty in total, just twenty more. Luckily they are quite easy to paint and rather fun as well, normally I get bored when painting so many of the same model. So hopefully the unit will get ready quite soon even if I now have changed focus to my Empire army again.

Also took some pictures of army so far, just some Orcs and Spider Riders which are painted who is missing. Now it actually begin to look like an army! Have ordered some reinforcements for this army as well, ten more Savage Orcs and ten Black Orcs which will be fun to start to paint. Next update will be an Empire one or maybe a review of the latest WD.

C & C are as always much appreciated.

Monday 9 January 2012

My Empire Ostermark BSB finished

So at last my Empire BSB is done and finished, this mini took some time. I started on it like a year and a half ago with filing of the motif of the orginal Ludwig Schwarzhelm banner, I also took away the beard and sculpted a new beard. After that it collected dust, until some months ago when I decided to put this BSB on foot instead of on a horse. Then it collected some more dust, but finally four days ago I started to paint this baby up after deciding that I want to do a Ostermark army. So painted like the banner of Ostermark in Uniforms and Heraldry of the Empire (great book for us Empire players/painters btw). So it's totally freehand and it wasn't as easy as I first thought, then there was all the other details. But a great model to paint, and I'm very happy with the end result. Hope you like it as well.

I will post some more Empire stuff soon!

Wednesday 4 January 2012

What happens in 2012?

2011 was a really good year, especially for Warhammer Fantasy players. Three new army books, O&G, TK and Ogres. Haven't read the last two but from what I've heard they are really nice and balanced books as the O&G one. The O&G book is great and I really like the Hard cover books. There's been some more books as well, Storm of Magic which I really like. And two other books, Blood in the Badlands which I got for Christmas and Tamurkhan which I will buy soon (it's a really great book from what I've heard).

There's also been an exciting year for Wh40k players, Grey Knights, Necrons and more Dark Eldar stuff. And most models for both of the systems have been really great looking.

So what is happening in 2012 then? I don't know really, the rumours says all sort of things but some of them seems more solid. For WHFB it's VC now in Jan, after that it's unsure but it looks like Empire, Dwarfs, WoC and Dark Elves may get some things this year. But 2012 is probably going to be a Wh40k year with an expected release of 6 ed. in the summer. Rumours also suggests there will come some new Codexes this year and the release schedule may look like this according to rumours. Chaos Space Marines, Tau and Black Templars and maybe after this or somewhere in between Eldar. So no Dark Angels for some time it seems, fortunately it seems like I get plenty of new releases for my WHFB armies so I can stand the wait for the Dark Angels.

For me there's a lot going on already this year. Even though I'm really excited about the new stuff for VC I think I wait a little before I buy any of the new kits, at least until I've painted more of the models I already have. The Armybook I will buy asap though.

My main focus painting and modelling wise right now is actually my Empire. I haven't done anything with them for quite some time but suddenly felt the urge to repaint some and paint some new minis. So I have changed theme a little, looks and fluff to... Ostermark! So expect some more Empire stuff coming soon. I will of course continue on my WoC and O&G armies as well, and maybe some VC here and there.

Here's a my painting projects the coming months.

Partly repaint my 40 man Swordsmen
Partly repaint my 5 Outriders
Paint a BSB
Paint 2 Mortars, 1 Cannon, 1 Helblaster and 1 Helstorm Rocket Battery
Paint and convert 1 Elector Count of Ostermark.
Paint 40-50 Halberdiers

The repainting will not take much time as there's only one colour that needs repainting. BSB is good under way already and I've started on the Halberdier unit and one Mortar.

Warriors of Chaos:
Finish my unit of 18 Tzeentch Warriors
Finish my unit of 40-50 Khorne Marauders
Finish my unit of 10 Warhounds

Nine Warriors is finished already, so just the other half left, five marauders is finished including the Unit filler but more is under way. Three warhounds is already done so just seven more to complete the two units of five Warhounds.

Orcs & Goblins:
Finish my unit of 40 Savage Orcs
Finish my unit of 50 Night Goblins
Finish my mounted Savage Orc Shaman
Convert and paint a Savage Orc Boar Chariot
Finish the Howdah for the Arachnarok

Nineteen S.orcs is painted and finished already, need to buy and paint some more. Thirty N. Goblins is pretty much finished, eleven of them just needs basing. The shaman is almost ready and have been for a while just needs some finishing touches and some dipping.

Guardians of the Covenant:
Nothing at the moment

Haven't been painting much 40k at all the past year. Just lost interest in them, may be coming back but as of now the only thing I have done recently for 40k is an attempt at making my own chapter. If I find it cool I may paint some more stuff.

Vampire Counts and Dwarfs:
Will try to paint some things here and there when I feel like it, some Zombies and some Ghouls for VC and maybe some characters and maybe finish my converted Gyrocopter.

As you can see there's quite some minis to paint. Will try not to buy to much minis before I paint the ones I have. Next update will be some more pictures of my projects, hope some of you found this post a little interesting. For myself this is great as I press myself to actually finish these things and hopefully make it as fast as possible.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Khorne Marauder Unit filler Finished!

Happy new year everyone! Hoping for a great wargaming year once again, and I will continue painting all of my armies. Actually I want to paint my Empire again, and now in a new colour scheme, also there's some really cool new VC models I want so there's a lot of painting the coming year.

But now It's some more pictures of my upcoming Warriors of Chaos army and my Unit filler is finished! Also finished eleven Night Goblins which just needs some basing. I will make an sum up for 2011 and what to expect to see on the blog the coming year, but for now here's some pictures. Hope you like it.

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