A lot of people have been waiting for the resurrection of this game for a long time. Myself actually have never played the old versions of the game. I have only been playing Blood Bowl 1 and 2 on the PC/Ps4. But I was really happy when GW announced they are doing a new version of the game, and it's one of those games that have a really devoted fans even though GW haven't supported the game in such a long time, many player still played the game and big tournaments was held just for Blood Bowl.
So it's nice and welcome move on GW's part that they bring us new versions of these classic games. So I was very eager to see how contents of the box was, so here's my unboxing/mini-review.
The bow is sturdy as the other GW game boxes and with beutiful artwork and crammed with stuff, one nice thing is that the sprues are in different colors which doesn't make it as important (still important in opinion) that they are painted because you can still see easily which team is which.
There are two of the same sprues for each time, which gives you duplicates. That is not a huge deal though in my opinion. The colored hard plastic is nice and there are not a lot of cleaning to do on the models, but they still take some time to assemble even though there's just three parts on each model.
The details are really nice on both the Human and Orc teams. and especially the Orcs could work great to make into Orruks in Age of Sigmar. I had some spikes and fingers which was damaged though, but It is quite easy to fix.
Here's the other stuff you get in the box, Pass, Scatter and Throw-in Templates with really nice details as well. And then we have all the dice you need as well as bases (which have holes in them to put the ball in) you also get decals for both teams and plastic bags to put your dice and cards in. As a bonus you get a 50% off coupon on Blood Bowl 2 on Steam which is a really nice deal, I already have it though.
Two Reference sheets are also included in the box for easy check how you play the game. |
Then we have the rulebook, which is nicely laid out and really

what you have come to expect from a Game Workshop product. It's 56 pages long and that is including the rules, a Team roster, the 'World of Blood Bowl' describing the history and then a couple of pages showing you how too assemble the models and how you can paint them up. There's some nice artwork in there but not much pictures of painted models, Me as an hobbyist first and foremost would have liked too see some more pictures showing different team colours.
One fun thing though is that you get some some fun and short comments here and there from the famous commentator duo of Jim and Bob.
Then we of course have the pitch, one for the Human team on one side and for the Orcs on the other. We also get two double sided team dugouts for each pitch and this is where you place your KO'ed and injured players. I really like the details on all these and that both variants are so different, really makes me hope for some expansions in the future to get other cool ones.
We also get the cards of course, player cards including Starplayers, Griff Oberwald, Mighty Zug and Morg 'n' Thorg the Ogre. You get two types of Special Cards as well called 'Miscellaneous Mayhem' and 'Random Events' too spice things up in the game.
Here's the assembled Human team.with tokens and balls. |
And the sam for the Orc team of course. |
For last a picture of the nice details of the templates in the box. |
I haven't got a game in yet, but the rules is pretty much the old ones with some fixes so I have no doubt me and my opponent will have a good time.
All in all I'm really happy with the content, the details of the miniatures are really great, nice artwork and overal good quality on everything. If I have one little complaint it is that I would have liked too have some more pictures of painted models or at least some guide on different teams and how their uniforms look. But I'm sure there's a lot of stuff on the interwebz which can help me out on how I want to paint up my teams.
So both thumbs up for this game and I hope to get a game in soon!